Detalle Publicación


Communicating Sustainability in Spanish hotel chains: The use of websites as a legitimation tool

Título de la revista: DOXA COMUNICACION
ISSN: 1696-019X
Volumen: 37
Páginas: 167 - 191
Fecha de publicación: 2023
This study analyses the discursive legitimation of sustainability in hotel chains websites. Key legitimation strategies are examined in relation to different factors, namely the company¿s size, its ownership structure, and the type of website. Data were extracted from the webpages of the 35 largest hotel chains in Spain according to turnover in 2021. Research was organized in three steps: first, content analysis was performed; second, sustainability discourse was quantified; and third, an index of sustainability content was developed. The study found that 76% of the selected hotels used websites to disseminate sustainability information, but the volume of sustainability discourse was different regarding size, ownership structures and website types. The ¿planet¿ dimension was rated with the best sustainability index. The study provides theoretical insights into the mechanisms of sustainability legitimation on corporate and booking websites. From a practical standpoint, the study offers guidance for managers in the tourist sector aimed at improving their corporate communication efforts and generating suitable engagement between firms and stakeholders.