Detalle Publicación


New insights into the bioavailability of red raspberry anthocyanins and ellagitannins

Autores: Ludwig Sanz Orrio, Iziar Amaia; Mena, P.; Calani, L.; Borges, G.; Pereira-Caro, G.; Brescani, L.; del Río, D.; Lean, M.; Crozier, A. (Autor de correspondencia)
ISSN: 0891-5849
Volumen: 89
Páginas: 758 - 769
Fecha de publicación: 2015
Red raspberries, containing ellagitannins and cyanidin-based anthocyanins, were fed to volunteers and metabolites appearing in plasma and urine were analysed by UHPLC-MS. Anthocyanins were not absorbed to any extent with sub nmol/L concentrations of cyanidin 3 0 glucoside and a cyanidin-O-glu-curonide appearing transiently in plasma. Anthocyanins excreted in urine corresponded to 0.007% of intake. More substantial amounts of phase II metabolites of ferulic acid and isoferulic acid, along with 4'-hydroxyhippuric acid, potentially originating from pH-mediated degradation of cyanidin in the proximal gastrointestinal tract, appeared in urine and also plasma where peak concentrations were attained 1-1.5 h after raspberry intake. Excretion of 18 anthocyanin-derived metabolites corresponded to 15.0% of intake, a figure substantially higher than obtained in other anthocyanin feeding studies. Ellagitannins pass from the small to the large intestine where the colonic microbiota mediate their conversion to urolithins A and B which appeared in plasma and were excreted almost exclusively as sulfate and glucuronide metabolites. The urolithin metabolites persisted in the circulatory system and were excreted in urine for much longer periods of time than the anthocyanin metabolites although their overall urinary recovery was lower at 7.0% of intake. It is events originating in the proximal and distal gastrointestinal tract, and subsequent phase II metabolism, that play an important role ...