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Querida Amazonia. A First Reading

Título de la revista: SCRIPTA THEOLOGICA
ISSN: 0036-9764
Volumen: 52
Número: 2
Páginas: 491 - 511
Fecha de publicación: 2020
This note is a brief commentary on Querida Amazonia, pope Francis' recent exhortation. Firstly, the pope's document is put in context of the Latin American magisterium, thus showing the continuity and the novelties of the Amazon Synod, and the pope's exhortation. Secondly, some particular subjects are commented: from the text's style to the main issues, both the Synod and the Pope, approach; many of which still deserve some reflection. Lastly, this note wishes to bring attention to the exhortation itself. It is an invitation to read it and be questioned by it.