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Proyecto de biomarcadores y perfiles clínicos personalizados en la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (proyecto BIOMEPOC)

Autores: Gea, J. (Autor de correspondencia); Pascual, S.; Castro-Acosta, A. ; Hernandez-Carcereny, C.; Castelo, R. ; Marquez-Martin, E.; Monton, C. ; Palou, A. ; Faner, R.; Furlong, L. I. ; Seijo Maceiras, Luis Miguel; Sanz, F.; Tora, M. ; Vilaplana, C.; Casadevall, C.; Lopez-Campos, J. L.; Monso, E.; Peces-Barba, G.; Cosio, B. G.; Agusti, A. ; Admetllo, M. ; Alvarez-Martinez, C.; Barreiro, E. ; Casals, F.; Cordova, R. ; Garcia, M.; Gonzalez-Garcia, J. G. ; Ormaza, M. J.; Puigdevall, P.; Torralba, Y.
ISSN: 0300-2896
Volumen: 55
Número: 2
Páginas: 93 - 99
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is an entity with a heterogeneous presentation. For this reason, attempts have been made to characterize different phenotypes and endotypes to enable a more individualized approach. The aim of the Biomarkers in COPD (BIOMEPOC) project is to identify useful biomarkers in blood to improve the characterization of patients. Clinical data and blood samples from a group of patients and healthy controls will be analyzed. The project will consist of an exploration phase and a validation phase. Analytical parameters in blood will be determined using standard techniques and certain 'omics' (transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics). The former will be hypothesis-driven, whereas the latter will be exploratory. Finally, a multilevel analysis will be conducted. Currently, 269 patients and 83 controls have been recruited, and sample processing is beginning. Our hope is to use the results to identify new biomarkers that, alone or combined, will allow a better characterization of patients. (C) 2018 SEPAR. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L.U. All rights reserved.