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Clustering of adherence to personalised dietary recommendations and changes in healthy eating index within the Food4Me study

Autores: Livingstone, K. M.; Celis-Morales, C.; Lara, J.; Woolhead, C.; O'Donovan, C. B.; Forster, H.; Marsaux, C. F.; Macready, A. L.; Fallaize, R.; Navas Carretero, Santiago; San Cristóbal Blanco, Rodrigo; Kolossa, S.; Tsirigoti, L.; Lambrinou, C. P.; Moschonis, G.; Surwitto, A.; Drevon, C. A.; Manios, Y.; Traczyk, I.; Gibney, E. R.; Brennan, L.; Walsh, M. C.; Lovegrove, J. A.; Martínez Hernández, Alfredo; Saris, W. H.; Daniel, H.; Gibney, M.; Mathers, J. C.
Título de la revista: PUBLIC HEALTH NUTRITION
ISSN: 1368-9800
Volumen: 19
Número: 18
Páginas: 3296 - 3305
Fecha de publicación: 2016
OBJECTIVE: To characterise clusters of individuals based on adherence to dietary recommendations and to determine whether changes in Healthy Eating Index (HEI) scores in response to a personalised nutrition (PN) intervention varied between clusters. DESIGN: Food4Me study participants were clustered according to whether their baseline dietary intakes met European dietary recommendations. Changes in HEI scores between baseline and month 6 were compared between clusters and stratified by whether individuals received generalised or PN advice. SETTING: Pan-European, Internet-based, 6-month randomised controlled trial. SUBJECTS: Adults aged 18-79 years (n 1480). RESULTS: Individuals in cluster 1 (C1) met all recommended intakes except for red meat, those in cluster 2 (C2) met two recommendations, and those in cluster 3 (C3) and cluster 4 (C4) met one recommendation each. C1 had higher intakes of white fish, beans and lentils and low-fat dairy products and lower percentage energy intake from SFA (P<0·05). C2 consumed less chips and pizza and fried foods than C3 and C4 (P<0·05). C1 were lighter, had lower BMI and waist circumference than C3 and were more physically active than C4 (P<0·05). More individuals in C4 were smokers and wanted to lose weight than in C1 (P<0·05). Individuals who received PN advice in C4 reported greater improvements in HEI compared with C3 and C1 (P<0·05). CONCLUSIONS: The cluster where the fewest recommendations were met (C4) reported greater improvements in HEI following a 6-month trial of PN whereas there was no difference between clusters for those randomised to the Control, non-personalised dietary intervention.