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The University awarded 1,000 euros to fight AIDS in Congo

Dr. Silvia Carlos received the Dolores Trigo Award for her work at the Monkole Hospital in developing disease prevention campaigns

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Silvia Carlos
FOTO: Manuel Castells
03/10/14 16:21 Miriam Salcedo

Dr. Silvia Carlos, a professor in the School of Pharmacy and the School of Medicine and a collaborator in the Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality project of the Institute for Culture and Society at the University of Navarra, has been awarded the Dolores Trigo Prize, a cash award of 1000€, for her study entitled "Pharmacists in Africa: Working for health in developing countries" (El farmacéutico para África: trabajando por la salud de los países en vías de desarrollo), which was carried out in the Monkole Hospital in Kinshasa (Congo). The prize was awarded by the School of Pharmacy's Alumni Association in Santiago de Compostela for being the most original, unpublished project on a topic related to the pharmaceutical profession.

The study involved 1,630 participants and consisted of an initial questionnaire on sexual behavior and knowledge of HIV, as well as an HIV diagnostic test. Analysis of the 274 positive AIDS cases revealed that regional AIDS infection (prevalence in Kinshasa is 1.6%) is associated with risky sexual behavior (mainly multiple sexual partners), as well as unfamiliarity with the disease and its prevention.

Prioritizing education in HIV prevention

As Dr. Carlos explained, "Ending HIV must go to the root of the problem and educating public health can influence behavioral changes that are often conditioned by erroneous knowledge." In the fight against HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, Dr. Carlos claimed that it "is important to disseminate public campaigns through appropriate communication channels to the local setting, such as the ABC prevention strategy (AbstinenceBe faithfulCondom)."

This study sought to improve prevention programs because, according to Professor Carlos, "a pharmacist's work also includes educating people to prevent disease." This study sought to eliminate misconceptions and myths about AIDS, such as "it is transmitted by mosquitoes" (10% of participants), "a person with HIV cannot look well (around 40%), "HIV is transmitted by witchcraft" (35%), "it is a form of divine punishment" (26%), or "you can catch it with a kiss on the mouth" (18%).

 "Once the population's knowledge of the disease is detected, what their attitude towards it is and their risk-taking behaviors, you can design effective preventive campaigns, such as the ABC strategy," explained Dr. Carlos, who also added, "Thanks to this award, the Monkole Hospital will be able to help many Congolese people improve their health."



