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UNDERGRADUATE DEGREES. Entrance exams and criteria


We’re looking for bright students from every corner of the globe who are driven by curiosity and have an interdisciplinary mindset and a desire to improve society. People whose talents and experiences will push our university forward.


How do we measure academic performance?


These are the results we look at:

  1. High school junior year transcripts.

  2. Grade on the entrance examination for the specific School.

  3. A weighted average is calculated in which high-school grade accounts for 60% of the result and the entrance examinantion accounts for 40%.

For the Schools of Medicine and Nursing, the high- school grade accounts for 30% and the entrance examination accounts 70%.


How do we measure academic performance?

Asset Publisher


What are the entrance exams like? (language requirements are also included if necessary)

1. English: For bilingual degree programs, the University requests proof of English level. The required level is defined in the description of the entrance examinations for each School.

2. Spanish: For admission to any of the University's official degree programs, knowledge of Spanish is necessary. For this reason, applicants must provide proof of their level of Spanish if they:

  • do not speak Spanish as their native language.

  • completed high school or equivalent studies in a language other than Spanish.

These students may certify their level of Spanish by completing any of the following exams:

If they wish, appllicants who do not have the minimum established level may sign up for ILCE summer school courses. This should enable them to reach the language skill level required ant the beginning of the academic year.

Students in their final year of high school in Spain

Degree Program in Architecture Studies

  • Multiple-choice test on high school subjects: mathematics, physics and geometry.

  • Practical test of creativity for all applicants.

  • Personal interview with a professor in the degree program.

Degree Program in Design

  • Multiple-chocice test of general knowledge in English.

  • Practical test of creativity for all applicants.

  • Personal interview with a professor in the degree program.

  • English level (requirements).​​​​​​

Students in their final year of high school outside Spain

Degree Program in Architecture Studies

  • Multiple-choice test on high school subjects: mathematics, physics and geometry.

  • Practical test of creativity for all applicants.

  • Test of English level.

  • Test of Spanish level.

  • Interview with the delegate of the Admissions Office in applicant's country.

Degree Program in Design

  • Multiple-choice test of general knowledge in English.

  • Practical test of creativity for all applicants.

  • Test of English level and requirements.

  • Test of Spanish level.

  • Personal interview with a professor in the degree program.

  • Interview with the delegate of the Admissions Office in applicant's country.

List of topics

Sample test

Students in their final year of high school in Spain

All undergraduate degree programs

Students in their final year of high school outside Spain

All undergraduate degree programs


Sample test

Students in their final year of high school in Spain

All undergraduate degree programs

Students in their final year of high school outside Spain

All undergraduate degree programs

  • Multiple choice test on high school subjects: Mathematics, Philosophy y Language and Literature.

  • Aptitude test of logical, spatial and verbal reasoning.

  • Proof of English level and requirements. Besides providing proof of their level of English, applicants must complete the test of English level in the entrance examination.

  • Test of Spanish level.

  • Interview with the delegate of the Admissions Office in applicant's country.

Samples of aptitude and skills tests:


Sample test

Students in their final year of high school in Spain

Degree programs

  • Multiple choice test of general culture and current affairs.

  • Test analysis for the degree applied for.

  • Test of English level and requirements.

  • Personal interview with the School of Communication.

Double degree program's

  • Multiple choice test of general culture and current affairs.

  • Test analysis for the degree applied for.

  • Test of English level and requirements.

  • Personal interview with a professor from the School of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Students in their final year of high school outside Spain

Degree Programs

  • Multiple choice test of general culture and current affairs.

  • Test analysis for the degree applied for.

  • Test of English level and requirements.

  • Test of Spanish level.

  • Personal interview with the delegate of the Admissions Office in applicant's country.

Double Degree Programs

  • Multiple choice test of general culture and current affairs.

  • Test analysis for the degree applied for.

  • Test of English level and requirements.

  • Test of Spanish level

  • Personal interview with the delegate of the Admissions Office in applicant's country.

Sample test

Students in their final year of high school in Spain

All undergraduate degree programs

  • Multiple choice test of general culture on the social sciences with questions on History, Philosophy, Geography, Economics, Language, Literature and current affairs.

  • A critical essay on a topic of current affairs to assess the applicant´s capactity for analysis and argumentation.

  • Test of English level and requirements

  • Personal interview with a professor from the School.

Students in their final year of high school outside Spain

All undergraduate degree programs

  • Multiple choice test of general culture on the social sciences with questions on History, Philosophy, Geography, Economics, Language, Literature and current affairs.

  • A critical essay on a topic of current affairs to assess the applicant´s capactity for analysis and argumentation.

  • Test of English level and requirements.

  • Test of Spanish level.

  • Personal interview with the delegate of the Admissions Office in applicant's country.

Sample test

Students in their final year of high school in Spain

All undergraduate degree programs

  • Multiple choice test on high school subjects: Philosophy, Spanish, Language and Literature.

  • Aptitude test of logical, spatial and verbal reasoning.

  • Test of English level.

  • Personal interview with a professor from the School.

  • English level requirements for degree programs with the IB Diploma.

Students in their final year of high school outside Spain

All undergraduate degree programs

  • Multiple choice test on high school subjects: Philosophy, Spanish, Language and Literature.

  • Aptitude test of logical, spatial and verbal reasoning.

  • Test of English level.

  • Test of Spanish level.

  • Personal interview with a professor from the School.

  • Interview with the delegate of the Admissions Office in applicant's country.

  • English level requirements for degree programs with the IB Diploma.

Aptitude and skills tests


Sample test

Students in their final year of high school in Spain

All undergraduate degree programs

  • Academic multiple-choice test on final year of high school topics (Biology, Chemistry, Language and Literature, and History).

  • Skills test to assess applicant's aptitudes.

  • Test of English level and requirements.

  • Personal interview with a professor from the School.

Students in their final year of high school outside Spain

All undergraduate degree programs

  • Academic multiple-choice test on final year of high school topics (Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics).

  • Test of English level and requirements.

  • Test of Spanish level.

  • Personal interview with a professor from the School.

  • Interview with the delegate of the Admission Office in applicant's country.


Students in their final year of high school in Spain

All undergraduate degree programs

Students in their final year of high school  outside Spain

All undergraduate degree programs

  • Multiple choice test on high school academic subjects: Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics.

  • Test of English level and requirements.

  • Test of Spanish level.

  • Interview with the delegate of the Admission Office in applicant's country.

List of topics

Sample test

Students in their final year of high school in Spain

Degree Programs in History, Philosophy and Humanities and Social Sciences

  • Multiple choice test on high school subjects: History, Philosophy, Geography, Economics, Language and Literature and current affairs.

  • Test of English level and requirements.

  • Personal interview with a professor from the School.

Degree Program in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE)

  • Multiple choice test on high school subjects: History, Philosophy, Geography, Economics, Language and Literature and current affairs.

  • Analysis of a test on current affairs.

  • Test of English level and requirements.

  • Personal interview with a professor from the School.

Degree Program in Language and Literature

  • Multiple choice test on high school subjects: History, Philosophy, Geography, Economics, Language and Literature and current affairs.

  • A short story.

  • Test of English level and requirements.

  • Personal interview with a professor from the School.

Double Degree Program in International Relations and History and Double Degree in Law and Philosophy

  • Multiple choice test on the social sciences with questions on: History, Philosophy, Geography, Economics, Language and Literature and current affairs.

  • A critical essay on a topic of current affairs to assess the applicant's capacity for analysis and argumentation.

  • Test of English level and requirements.

  • Personal interview with a professor from the School.

Double degree programs in the School of Communication and the School of Humanities and Social Sciences

  • Multiple choice test of general culture and current affairs.

  • Test analysis for the degree applied for.

  • Test of English level and requirements.

  • Personal interview with a professor from the School.

Students in their final year of high school outside Spain

Degree Programs in History, Philosophy and Humanities and Social Sciences

  • Multiple choice test on high school subjects: History, Philosophy, Geography, Economics, Language and Literature and current affairs.

  • Test of English level and requirements.

  • Test of Spanish level.

  • Interview with the delegate of Admissions Office in applicant's country.

Degree Program in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE)

  • Multiple choice test on high school subjects: History, Philosophy, Geography, Economics, Language and Literature and current affairs.

  • Analysis of a test on current affairs.

  • Test of English level and requirements.

  • Test of Spanish level.

  • Interview with the delegate of Admissions Office in applicant's country.

Degree Program in Language and Literature

  • Multiple choice test on high school subjects: History, Philosophy, Geography, Economics, Language and Literature and current affairs.

  • A short story.

  • Test of English level and requirements.

  • Test of Spanish level.

  • Interview with the delegate of Admissions Office in applicant's country.

Double Degree Program in International Relations and History and Double Degree in Law and Philosophy

  • Multiple choice test on high school subjects: History, Philosophy, Geography, Economics, Language and Literature and current affairs.

  • A critical essay on a topic of current affairs to assess the applicant's capacity for analysis and argumentation.

  • Test of English level and requirements.

  • Test of Spanish level.

  • Interview with the delegate of Admissions Office in applicant's country.

Double degree programs in the School of Communication and the School of Humanities and Social Sciences

  • Multiple choice test of general culture and current affairs.

  • Test analysis for the degree applied for.

  • Test of English level and requirements.

  • Test of Spanish level.

  • Interview with the delegate of Admissions Office in applicant's country.

Lists of topics

Sample test

Students in their final year of high school in Spain

Students in their final year of high school outside Spain

  • February deadline: BMAT entrance examination for the School of Medicine. Visit the School of Medicine website.

    Test of English level.

    Test of Spanish level.

  • April deadline: multiple-choice test on high school Biology, Physics and Chemistry (50 questions on each subject). 

    Reading comprehension: scientific article+30 multiple-choice questions.

    Test of English and Spanish Level consult the English level requirements

Students in their final year of high school in Spain

  • Multiple-choice test on high school subjects (history, language, geography, economics and general culture).

  • Multiple-choice test to assess the level of English grammar and requirements.

  • Solving a practical case in English in a case study related to management.

  • Speaking about the case with a professor from the degree program.

  • Personal interview with ISSA School of Applied Management.

Students in their final year of high school outside Spain

  • Multiple-choice test on high school subjects (history, language, geography, economics and general culture).

  • Multiple-choice test to assess the level of English grammar and requirements.

  • Solving a practical case in English in a case study related to management.

  • Speaking about the case with a professor from the degree program.

  • Test of Spanish level.

  • Personal interview with the School.

  • Interview with the delegate of the Admissions Office in applicant's country.

Sample test


Students in their final year of high school in Spain

All undergraduate degree programs

  • Multiple choice test  on high school mathematics and physics.

Download some test examples Mathematics and Physics.

Students in their final year of high school outside Spain

All undergraduate degree programs

  • Multiple choice test on high school mathematics and physics.

  • Psychometric test: numerical and logical reasoning.

  • Test of English level.

  • Test of Spanish level.

  • Interview with the delegate of the Admission Office in applicant's country.


Sample test


Nested Applications



¿Eres alumno del Bachillerato Internacional (IB)?

Si quieres acceder a la Universidad de Navarra podrás hacerlo por el procedimiento ordinario o mediante el acceso del diploma IB. Conoce las condiciones y peculiaridades del acceso por International Baccalaureate.

Nested Applications



CLT (Classic Learning Test)

Nested Applications



CLT is one of the University's standardized entrance examinations. This test provides the strictest and most accurate measurement of academic training, achivements and potential.


The full time of the examination is two hours (120 minutes). The time is divided as follows: verbal reasoning (40 minutes), grammar/writing (35 minutes) and quantitative reasoning (45 minutes). During the allocated time for each specific section, applicants may work on that section only and may not go on to the next section or back to a previous one.

To take an examination, you just register on the website www.cltexam.com/register

The CLT is offered five times a year on set dates. Individual applicants who want to take the CLT must register for one of these five dates at a convenient location. The exam sites are not obliged to offer the CLT on all five exam dates for the year. Make sure the site offers the specific exam before registering.

There is no required minimum score on the examinatin. The examination scores will be considered with the applicant's full academic record and a personal interview.

You can send your score to admissionclt@unav.es.

If you have not received the official score by the deadline for submitting your application documents, you can send a copy of the non-official score obtained online and send us the official score when it is ready.

  1. School of Humanities and Social Sciences: Minimum score of 92.

  2. School of Law: Minimum score of 92.

  3. School of Communication:  Minimum score of 92 for Audiovisual Communication and Journalism. Minimum score of 98 for Marketing.

  4. School of Economics and Business: Minimum score of 98.

  5. School of Education and Psychology: Minimum score of 92.

  6. ISSA | Applied Management: Minimum score of 92.


List of topics of entrance examinations for people over ages 25 and 45

The University of Navarra makes this session available to applicants from age 25 to 45 who do not have a high school diploma, but want to begin university studies.

Appication form for people over 25 years.

Application form for people over 45 years.

Nested Applications



The documents to be submitted with the online application form by February 2022 (between February 3rd and 17 th) are as follows:

    • Photocopy of both sides of the applicant's national ID.

    • One passport-size photo.

    • Proof of transfer of the amount of two hundred thirty fife euros (€235)*, to cover the registration fee, to the following bank account:
      CaixaBank: ES92 2100 9161 47 2200152057

Nested Applications


Tests for people over age 25

Thix exam option provides preferential access to the following degree programs:

Philosophy, History, Humanitie, Literatura and Language

When taking the entrace exam, two of the following subjects must be chosen:

Art History



Contemporary History

Thix exam option provides preferential access to the following degree programs:

Biology, Biology+Environmental Sciences, Biochemistry, Environmental Sciences, Chemistry, Chemistry+Biochemistry

When taking the entrance exam, two of the following subjects must be choosen:





This exam option provides preferential access to the following degree programs:

Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Human Nutrition and Dietetics, Pharmacy+Human Nutrition and Dietetics.

When taking the entrance exam, two of the following subjects must be chosen:





This exam option provides preferential access to the following degree programs:

Management, Business Administration + Law, Economics, Economics + Law, Law, Law + International Relations, International Relations, International Relations + History, Journalism, Audiovisual Communication, Marketing, Philosophy + Journalism, Philosophy + Law, Spanish Philology + Journalism, History + Journalism, Management Assistance, Early Childhood Education, Primary Teaching, Education, Education + Early Childhood Education, Education + Primary Teaching, Psychology, Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE).

When taking the entrance exam, two of the following subjects must be chosen:

Mathematics applied to the social sciences

Contemporary History

Art History


This exam option provides preferential access to the following degree programs:

Architecture, Design, Industrial Technology Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Industrial Electronics Engineering, Telecommunications Systems Engineering, Electronic Communications Engineering, Industrial Organization Engineering, Industrial Product Design and Development Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Energy Engineering.

When taking the entrance exam, two of the following subjects must be chosen:




Technical Drawing


Tests for people over age 45

Applicants must choose one of the following two options:

Finally, applicants will have a personal interview.