Detalle Publicación


Rewriting the Middle Ages in the Twentieth Century. III. Political Theory and Practice

Lugar de Edición: Turnhout
Editorial: Brepols Publishers
Fecha de publicación: 2015
ISBN: 978-2-503-53144-1
Número de páginas: 270
Resumen: This is the third volume of the series 'Rewriting the Middle Ages in the Twentieth Century', focusing this time on medievalists who have contributed to a better understanding of medieval political thought, through their work in medieval studies. This is the third volume of the series "Rewriting the Middle Ages in the Twentieth Century", focused this time on the medieval political thougth. This book offers an overview of the national and transnational traditions of the historiography and studies the main questions and the background of this discipline in the last century. Essays for this new volume focus on the subject¿s life, intellectual and academic training; discuss major works and historiographical heritage; and locate the medievalists who have contributed to the better understanding of medieval political thought, through their work in medieval studies. This interdisciplinary resource aims to include medievalists from different fields: history, art, literature, theology, among others.