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A New and Faster Method to Assess Vestibular Compensation: A Cross-Sectional Study

Autores: Guajardo-Vergara, C. (Autor de correspondencia); Pérez Fernández, Nicolás
Título de la revista: LARYNGOSCOPE
ISSN: 0023-852X
Volumen: 130
Número: 12
Páginas: E911 - E917
Fecha de publicación: 2020
Objectives/Hypothesis Characterize the state of vestibular compensation of subjects diagnosed with acute unilateral vestibulopathy (AUV) of peripheral origin according to the temporal organization pattern of the refixation saccades (Perez and Rey (PR) score). Study Design Retrospective cross-sectional study using previously collected clinical data from a tertiary referral center. Methods Following the vestibular compensation criteria defined by Eisenman, we used the video head impulse test as the main vestibular function test and compared the results with other traditional tests: rotatory chair test (ROT), caloric test, videonystagmography, clinical situation (CLIN), and the Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI) questionnaire from 28 subjects (17 men, 11 women), average age 60.21 years, who were in a compensated and noncompensated vestibular situation. We used the PR score to measure the differences between the study groups. A cluster was developed to define a cutoff point that objectively distinguishes the vestibular compensation status. Results Significant differences in the PR score were found in the state of vestibular compensation in the ROT test (P = .01), DHI (P = .04), and CLIN (P = .023). The vestibular compensation criteria that groups the original variables (PR-CLUSTER) cutoff point was 55 (P = .019). Conclusions The PR score is a measure of temporal organization of the refixation saccades that enables us to distinguish clearly and objectively the vestibular situation of subjects with AUV. We suggest its clinical application. Level of Evidence NA Laryngoscope, 2020