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Cascaded Stokes polarization conversion in cubic Raman crystals

Autores: Echarri, D. T. (Autor de correspondencia); Mildren, R.; Olaizola Izquierdo, Santiago Miguel; Granados, E. (Autor de correspondencia)
Título de la revista: OPTICS EXPRESS
ISSN: 1094-4087
Volumen: 29
Número: 1
Páginas: 291 - 304
Fecha de publicación: 2021
We describe a theoretical approach based on Muller and tensor calculus for predicting the polarization state and gain of cascaded Stokes orders produced under coherent Raman scattering regime conditions. The formulation follows a Markovian-style implementation for F-2g-type modes in Raman cubic crystals. The theoretical model is supported by experimental results that corroborate that the polarization and power of the cascaded Stokes orders can be effectively predicted using sequential calculus. We extend these results to a variety of crystal propagation directions, with the aim of facilitating the design of advanced solid-state Raman lasers.