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Haemosporidian prevalence in Southern Grey Shrike Lanius meridionalis nestlings in the Iberian Peninsula: lower prevalence than previously reported

Autores: Hernández Minguillón, María Ángeles (Autor de correspondencia); Rojo, M. A.; Campos, F.; Gutiérrez-Corchero, F.; Moreno-Rueda, G.
Título de la revista: BIRD STUDY
ISSN: 0006-3657
Volumen: 67
Número: 3
Páginas: 398 - 401
Fecha de publicación: 2020
We report a new analysis of haemosporidian occurrence in 392 Southern Grey Shrike Lanius meridionalis nestlings previously reported in Hernandez et al. (2017. Haemosporidian prevalence in Southern Grey Shrike Lanius meridionalis nestlings: impact on body condition and geographic distribution in the Iberian Peninsula. Bird Study 64: 362-373). The previous findings have since been suspected of suffering from contamination by DNA samples from another species. The new analysis showed a prevalence of 1% with a single Leucocytozoon lineage (ENCIR02), distributed in two of the three populations studied.