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Costes de contratación y empresas de trabajo temporal. Una explicación de la disparidad regional en España

Título de la revista: ECONOMÍA
ISSN: 0254-4415
Volumen: 36
Número: 72
Páginas: 117 - 142
Fecha de publicación: 2013
The Temporary Work Agencies (TWA) industry experienced continuous growth throughout the 90s, and now represents around 15% of temporary hiring in Spain. More interestingly, a remarkable regional disparity in this sector exists across Spanish provinces. By developing a simple theoretical model and using panel data methodology, this article examines the Spanish case and suggests that the costs of recruiting, training and screening could explain a large part of the regional disparity. This result is supported by the empirical fact that the TWA firms have greater success in markets with low unemployment rates, where the average duration of unemployment is longer, and in provinces with higher concentrations of urban population, respectively.