Detalle Publicación


Protestantism and Practical Wisdom

Libro: Handbook of Practical Wisdom in Business and Management. International Handbooks in Business Ethics
Lugar de Edición: Cambridge, Massachusetts
Editorial: Ed. Springer
Fecha de publicación: 2020
Página Inicial - Final: 1 - 11
ISBN: 978-3-030-00140-7
Resumen: This chapter explores the Protestant approach to practical wisdom, the shift of morality associated with it, and its ecclesiological and social consequences. First, account for Luther¿s spiritualist position, according to which the only possible foundation for morality is subjective illumination provided by God¿s Word to the faithful; it cannot be informed by nature, custom, nor reason (i.e., natural law). Therefore, human nature ceased to be the foundation of social order as it was beginning with Greek-Roman culture. It is also presented Calvin¿s position focused on external works and wealth as a sign of human salvation, which reduces practical wisdom to the best way to found material prosperity. As for their ecclesiological consequences, Luther founded the ecclesial ministry of the common priesthood of all Christians; therein, the priest does not differ from the layperson and it focuses on the hidden Church. For Calvin, as the worldly Christian¿s ordinary life cannot be a path to holiness, the achievement of wealth and power becomes the political implantation of God¿s Kingdom in this world, building a theocracy, i.e., a perfect religious society. This anthropologically pessimistic position helped to transform the Christian idea of progress into ¿progressivism,¿ characterized by an ever increasing productive rationality to attain material prosperity and efficient ecclesiastical organization.