Detalle Publicación


Environmental education and meaningful learning: didactic applications in the Natural Sciences Museum of the University of Navarra

Libro: INTED 2016 proceedings : 10th international technology, education and development conference
Lugar de Edición: Valencia
Editorial: Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino
Fecha de publicación: 2016
Página Inicial - Final: 7079 - 7087
ISBN: 978-84-608-5617-7
Resumen: In recent decades mankind has come to realise that the current development model has adverse effects on the environment. Environmental education promotes an education based on values related with knowledge and respect for environment. Theory of meaningfull learning is acknowledged as base to promote the learning in educational process. One of the most interesting inputs for environmental education purposes was Novaks «theory of education» (1977, 1990, 1998), proposing teaching techniques that build on the meaningful language theory (Ausubel, 1968). This article summarizes the result of an investigation project in which knowledge of environmental education, meaningfull learning and museology within the framework of Natural Science Museum of University of Navarra has been applied. As a result, a didactic unit of formal education has been proposed. It is aimed at 11-12 years old children to promote the learning of respect value and the meaning of biodiversity through a visit to the museum and using learning tools such as conceptual maps. These tools are developed with CmapTools, webquest and m-learning applications linked with new information and communication technologies.