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Big data y Relaciones Públicas. Una revisión bibliográfica del estado de la cuestión

Autores: Pereira Villazón, T.; Portilla Manjón, Idoia; Rodríguez Salcedo, Natalia
Título de la revista: REVISTA DE COMUNICACION
ISSN: 1684-0933
Volumen: 18
Número: 1
Páginas: 151 - 165
Fecha de publicación: 2019
The growing activity generated in digital communication platforms is raising new forms of relationship between organizations and their publics of interest. This has triggered, in turn, the production of a large amount of information, an explosion of data known as Big Data. In this new context, there is a need to study how the management of this huge amount of information faced in public relations, which is constantly generated at high speed and which requires even real-time management. In this work, we present a bibliographic review of the current state of research on the management of Big Data in Public Relations. The results showed a total 41 works. A content analysis of these works found that the activities of internal communications, media relations, crisis communications and issues management are the most related to massive data management.