Detalle Publicación

Atmospheric pollutants in peri-urban forests of Quercus ilex: evidences of pollution abatement and threats for vegetation

Autores: García-Gómez, H. (Autor de correspondencia); Aguillaume, L.; Izquieta Rojano, Sheila; Valiño, F.; Avila, A.; Elustondo Valencia, David; Santamaría Ulecia, Jesús Miguel; Alastuey, A.; Calvete-Sogo, H.; González-Fernández, I.; Alonso, R.
ISSN: 0944-1344
Volumen: 23
Número: 7
Páginas: 6400 - 6413
Fecha de publicación: 2016
Peri-urban vegetation is generally accepted as a significant remover of atmospheric pollutants, but it could also be threatened by these compounds, with origin in both urban and non-urban areas. To characterize the seasonal and geographical variation of pollutant concentrations and to improve the empirical understanding of the influence of Mediterranean broadleaf evergreen forests on air quality, four forests of Quercus ilex (three peri-urban and one remote) were monitored in different areas in Spain. Concentrations of nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ammonia (NH3), nitric acid (HNO3) and ozone (O3) were measured during 2 years in open areas and inside the forests and aerosols (PM10) were monitored in open areas during 1 year. Ozone was the only air pollutant expected to have direct phytotoxic effects on vegetation according to current thresholds for the protection of vegetation. The concentrations of N compounds were not high enough to directly affect vegetation but could be contributing through atmospheric N deposition to the eutrophization of these ecosystems. Peri-urban forests of Q. ilex showed a significant below-canopy reduction of gaseous concentrations (particularly NH3, with a mean reduction of 29-38%), which indicated the feasibility of these forests to provide an ecosystem service of air quality improvement.