Detalle Publicación

Parálisis de cuerda vocal unilateral: estudio de la calidad vocal después del tratamiento logopédico

Autores: Busto Crespo, O.; Uzcanga Lacabe, M.; Abad Marco, A.; Berasategui, I.; Garcia, L.; Aguilera Albesa, S.; Fernández González, Secundino
ISSN: 1137-6627
Volumen: 39
Número: 1
Páginas: 69 - 75
Fecha de publicación: 2016
BACKGROUND: To describe demographic factors and voice quality parameters of patients with unilateral vocal fold paralysis (UVFP) after a voice therapy protocol. METHODS: Forty-seven patients with a diagnosis of UVFP by video-laryngoscopy were included. Voice therapy was applied to all patients during 15 sessions that were structured in three progressive stages. The objective was to train patients in vocal techniques, phonic-breathing coordination,blow control, vocal exercises for glottic closure and vocal setting. Glottal closure, Voice Handicap Index-10 for perception of voice impairment and GRBAS scale were used before and after the speech therapy. RESULTS: The average age was 51 years (range 20-80), 60%women. Surgery was the most frequent cause (72%), and 40% had a profession related to voice use. Median time from diagnosis to treatment was 5 months (2-12). After voice therapy, 80% had complete glottal closure, previously this had been 34% (p<0.001), the score of VHI-10 decreased from 24.24 to 16.09 points (p<0.001) and GRBAS values improved in all the qualities of voice (p<0.001).Only 8.5% of the patients required surgical intervention after treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Voice therapy is effective as first line therapy in patients with UVFP, reserving medialization with non-absorbable material or thyroplasty surgery for those with a poor outcome. However, it is necessary to reduce the time it takes the patient to reach the Voice Unit after laryngoscopic diagnosis.