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tit_Frontiers between physics, metaphysics and theology

Frontiers between physics, metaphysics and theology

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On the constant movement of frontiers between physics, metaphysics and theology

Seminario del Grupo Ciencia, Razón y Fe.
Grzegorz P. Karwasz. Pamplona, 13 de noviembre de 2018.


Texto de los artículos citados en la conferencia:
Karwasz G. Scientia et Fides 3(1)/2015, 61-85.
Karwasz G. Scientia et Fides 4(1)/2016, 151-191.

Grzegorz P. Karwasz es físico e ingeniero. Ha sido investigador en el Instituto Nacional para Física de la Materia, realizando investigaciones y enseñando en la Facultad de Física y en la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Trento. Ha realizado además estancias de investigación en Detroit, Berlín, Canberra y Gunsan (Corea del Sur), trabajando en el campo de la física atómica y nuclear. En 1996, comenzó a trabajar en el Instituto de Física de la Universidad Pedagógica de Słupsk, donde dirigió entre 1998 y 2006 el Departamento de Espectroscopía. Obtuvo su habilitación en física experimental en 1997. Actualmente, desde 2006, es el jefe del Departamento de Didáctica Física en la Universidad Nicolás Copérnico de Toruń. Ha recibido la Medalla de la Comisión Nacional de Educación de Polonia. Es miembro del Consejo de Programa de la Fundación Józef Rotbalta.


Pope Benedict XVI, still as a cardinal, in 1981, stated in “In the beginning God created… Four sermons on the Creation and fall” that: “In general an impression appears that the history of Christianity in last 400 years was a constant defense battle, in which step by step single dogmas of faith and theology were abandoned. It is difficult to avoid an impression that we withdraw slowly into an empty space and that a moment comes when there will be nothing to defend and that the whole domain of the Scripture will be occupied by the reason, not allowing the latter any further existence.”

We do not agree with Card. Ratzinger. We discuss that the movement between physics, metaphysics and theology is constant, in all directions. 1) Cosmological dilemma on the beginning of the World, between Plato and Aristotle, between S. Thomas and Paris University, and even between astronomers at the edge of the 20th century and Kant, now has been solved by George Lemaître (and Hubble, and Einstein). But physics postulates the conservation of the mass and energy, so after shifting to physics the question is back to metaphysics. 2) Genetics showed recently, that female and male genome descend from the “most recent common ancestor” some 120-160 kyrs ago. But what (Who?) made this rapid (and coincidental) change as compared to pre-humans? 3) Chemistry postulates that particles with ½ spin (so called fermions) avoid each other, thus allowing the whole diversity of organic and inorganic compounds. But it was S. Thomas who stated that the diversity of matter does not result from the diversity of components. Why do electrons follow Fermi-Dirac statistics?