Research workshop "Energy and Environmental Issues in Developing Countries"
The NCID Workshop on Energy and Environmental Issues in Developing Countries will bring together on 28th February experts in the area that will give their expertise vision on this issue. As of 2021, around 800 million people across the developing world lack access to electricity. Even though enabling universal access to electricity by 2030 is the UN's Sustainable Development Goal #7, and despite the efforts of many institutions, NGOs, and private parties to reduce energy poverty, achieving this goal remains a costly challenge. Moreover, traditional methods of electricity generation often involve the use of fossil fuels which contribute to climate change.
The goal of this workshop is to discuss the perspectives of increasing energy access in the developing world while promoting technologies that are affordable and environmentally friendly. Presenters will discuss issues related to identifying least-cost solutions and the evaluation of the effectiveness of the different infrastructure options, as the key ingredients to optimally allocate public and private investment and financial aid, with the ultimate goal of promoting access to reliable, affordable and sustainable energy in developing countries.
Niclas Moneke, Jevgenijs Steinbuks, Jacopo Bonan, Carlo Andrea Bollino, Raúl Bajo-Buenestado, Paloma Grau.
→ Más información (.pdf)
28 de febrero de 2022
Aula ICS