
Recruiting / Vacancies

Recruiting / Vacancies


Position Type: Assistant Professor, Tenure Track (3+3)

Categories/Specialties: Any field

Deadline: Rolling application

Interested candidates must send their applications electronically through the Job Market

Website (preferred channel) or directly to

Download the advertisement here.


The normal teaching load is 120 hours/year, with the possibility to concentrate in one semester. Some administrative tasks also form part of the normal work load, although recently-hired professors are typically assigned lighter tasks.

Classes are taught in Spanish and English. Professors whose native language is not Spanish are generally assigned to the English program. All Doctoral courses are exclusively taught in English. The University offers courses, via its Institute of Modern Languages, to help those candidates who wish to learn or improve their Spanish.

The University of Navarra is a private university: the salaries are comparable to those of other Spanish and European universities, in countries such as France or Great Britain. 

Interested candidates must send their applications electronically. Please include a cover letter, an up-to-date curriculum vitae, a publishable journal article as a research sample, and a short essay explaining what you know about the University of Navarra. Candidates must also provide three letters of recommendation, sent to us by persons who know the candidate and can give us information about his or her capacity and competence. The names and contact information of the people who write the letters (preferentially academics) should be included in the curriculum vitae. We have a rolling application process but a first screening will be done by November 22, 2020. Upon positive evaluation of the application package, selected candidates will be contacted for an interview. Some interviews will be held in the in the European Economic Association (EEA) job market. After the interviews, selected candidates will be invited to visit the School and give a presentation about their current research.



Juan Equiza Goñi

Juan Equiza Goñi

Campus Universitario

31009 Pamplona, España

+34 948 42 56 00


About the University

The University of Navarra is a private university founded in 1952 by St. Josemaria Escriva. The campus is located in Pamplona, a city in the northwest of Spain. The University also has campuses in San Sebastian (for the School of Engineering-TECNUN),  Madrid  and Barcelona (where the IESE Business School is located).