Publicaciones de 2019
Soba D., Mariem S., Fuertes-Mendizábal T., Méndez-Espinoza A.M., Gilard F., González-Murua C., Irigoyen J.J., Tcherkez G., Aranjuelo I.2019 Metabolic Effects of Elevated CO2 on Wheat Grain Development and Composition. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 67: 8441-8451 |
Puig J., Villarroya A., Casas M. 2019 La educación moral ante el reto de la sostenibilidad. Azafea21: 183-208 |
Rodeles A.A., Leunda P.M., Elso J., Ardaiz J., Galicia D., Miranda R. 2019 Consideration of habitat quality in a river connectivity index for an adromous fishes. Inland Waters, 9:278-288 |
Von Schiller D., Datry T., Corti R., Foulquier A., Tockner K., Marcé R., García‐Baquero G., Odriozola I., Obrador B., Elosegi A., Mendoza‐Lera C., Gessner M.O., Stubbington R., Albariño R., Allen D.C., Altermatt F., Arce M.I., Arnon S., Banas D., Banegas‐Medina A., Beller E., Blanchette M.L., Blanco‐Libreros J.F., Blessing J., Boëchat I.G., Boersma K.S., Bogan M.T., Bonada N., Bond N.R., Brintrup K., Bruder A., Burrows R.M., Cancellario T., et al. 2019 Sediment Respiration Pulses in Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams. Global Biogeochemical cycles, 33(10): 1-13 |
Garmendia I., Bettoni M.M., Goicoechea N. 2020 Assessing growth and antioxidant properties of greenhouse-grown lettuces (Lactuca sativa L.) under different irrigation and carbon fertilization management. Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Universidad de Nacional de Cuyo, 52(1):87-94 |
Cantarero A., Mateo R., Camarero P., Alonso D., Fernández-Eslava B, Alonso-Álvarez C. 2019 A mitochondria-target edantioxidant affects the carotenoid-based plumage of red crossbills. bio Rxiv En prensa |
Moraza M.L. New data on the genus Uroseius Berlese (Acari: Mesostigmata: Uropodina: Trachytidae) with a redescription of U. sorrentinus (Lombardini, 1952). Zootaxa 4717 (1): 7–29 |
García-León M., Cuyas L., El-Moneim D.A., Rodríguez L., Belda-Palazón B., Sánchez-Quant E., Fernández Y., Roux B., Zamarreño A.M., García-Mina J.M., Nussaume L., Rodríguez P.L., Paz-Ares J., Leonhardt N., Rubio V. Arabidopsis ALIX Regulates Stomatal Aperture and Turnover of Abscisic Acid Receptors. The Plant Cell 31: 2411–2429 |
Lucena C., Porras R., García M.j:, Alcántara E., Pérez-Vicente R., Zamarreño A.M., Bacaicoa E., García-Mina J.M., Smith A.P., Romera F.J. Ethylene and Phloem Signals Are Involved in the Regulation of Responses to Fe and P Deficiencies in Roots of Strategy I Plants. Frontiers in Plant Science 10(1237): 1-14 |
Olaetxea M., Mora V., Bacaicoa E., Baigorri R., Garnica M., Fuentes M., Zamarreño A.M., Spîchal L., García-Mina J.M. Root ABA and H + -ATPase are key players in the root and shoot growth-promoting action of humic acids Plant Direct 3: 1-12 |
Baigorri R., Erro J., urrutia O., Martínez J.M., Mandado M., Martín-Pastor M., García-Mina J.M. Both chemical and crystalline phase configuration influence the molecular features of humic acids in humic–calcium–phosphates fertilizers RSC Advances 9: 25790–25796 |
García-León M, Cuyas L, Abd El-Moneim D, Rodriguez L, Belda-Palazon B, Sánchez-Quant E, Fernández Y, Roux B, Zamarreño AM, Garcia-Mina JM, Nussaume L, Rodriguez PL, Paz-Ares J, Leonhardt N, Rubio V. Stomatal aperture and turnover of ABA receptors are regulated by Arabidopsis ALIX. Plant Cell 31(10):tpc.00399.2019 |
Miranda R., Hermoso V., Hassal C. Ecological quality and conservation status of inland waters. Inland Waters, 9(3): 275-277 |
Kampmeier G., Ariño A.H., Wallis E., Paul D. (Ed.) 2019 Biodiversity_Next 2019. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards. 923 Pags. |
Torres N., Hilbert G., Antolín M.C., Goicoechea N. 2019 Aminoacids and flavonoids profiling in tempranillo berries can be modulated by the arbuscular mychorrhizal fungi. Plants 8(400) 1-15 |
Bal-Damerow J.E., Brenskelle L., Barve N., Soltis P.S., Sierwald P., Bieler R., LaFrance R., Ariño A.H., Guralnick R.P. 2019 Research applications of primary biodiversity databases in the digital age. PlosOne 14(9):e0215794 |
Giménez-Ibáñez S., Zamarreño A.M., García-Mina J.M., Solano R. 2019 An evolutionarily ancient immune system governs the interactions between pseudomonas syringae and an early-diverging land plant lineage. Current Biology, 29: 2270–2281 |
Silva-Navas J., Conesa C.M., Sáez A., Navarro-Neila S., García-Mina J.M., Zamarreño A.M., Baigorri R., Swarup R., Del Pozo J.C. 2019 Role of cis-zeatin in root responses to phosphate starvation. New Phytologist 224: 242-257 |
Laini A., Viaroli P., Bolpagni R., Cancellario T.,Racchetti E., Guareschi S. 2019 Taxonomic and functional responses of benthic macroinvertebrate communities to hydrological and water quality variations in a heavily regulated river. Water 11(1478) 1-18 |
Parladé J., Queralt, M., Pera J.A.;, Bonet J.A., Castaño C., Martínez-Peña F., Piñol J., Senar M.A., de Miguel A.M. 2019 Temporal dynamics of soil fungal communities after partial and total clearcutting in a managed Pinus sylvestris stand. Forest Ecology and management 449:117456 |
Erice G., Sáenz-Sáez A., González-Torralba J., Mendez-Espinoza, A.M., Urretavizcaya I., Nieto M.T., Serret M.D., Araus J.L., Irigoyen J.J., Aranjuelo I. 2019 Impact of elevated CO2 and drought on yield and quality traits of a historical (Blanqueta) and a modern (Sula) durum wheat. Journal of Cereal Science 87: 194-201 |
Puig J. 2019 Sensibilidad por el medio ambiente y cristianismo. Scientia et Fides 7 (1) 73-96 |
De Hita D., Fuentes M. García A.C., Olaetxea M., Baigorri R., Zamarreño A.M., Berbara R., García-Mina J.M. 2019 Humic substances: a valuable agronomic tool to improving crop adaptation to saline water irrigation. Water science & technology water supply 19 (6): 1735-1740 |
Miqueleiz I., Ariño A.H., Miranda R. 2019 From expert to data-driven biodiversity knowledge: Assessing ecosystem irreplaceability with IUCN red list data for freshwater fish. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 3:e37077 |
Escribano N., Galicia D., Ariño A.H. 2019 Game of tops: Trends in GBIF´s community of users. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 3: e37187 |
Ariño A.H., González-Alonso M., Pérez de Zabalza A. 2019 Unexploited biodiversity data sources: The case of airborne pollen. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 3: e37191 |
Galicia D., Amezcua A., Baquero E., Cancellario T., Chaves A., De Biurrun G., Escribano N., Fernández-Eslava B., González-Alonso M., Hernández-Soto R., Ibáñez R., Imas M., Miqueleiz I., Miranda R., Rodeles A.A., Valerio M., Ariño A.H. 2019 Investment in the long-tail of biodiversity data: from local research to global knowledge. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 3: e37310 |
Perminova I., García-Mina J.M., Knicker H., Miano T. 2019 Humic substances and nature-like technologies. Journal of soils and sediments 19: 2663-2664 |
Gámez A.L., Soba D., Zamarreño A.M., García-Mina J.M., Aranjuelo I., Morales F. 2019 Effect of water stress during grain filling on yield, quality and physiological traits of illpa and rainbow quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) cultivars. Plants, 8 (173): 1-15 |
Casas P., Rojo M.A., Hernández, M.A., Sánchez, L., Santamaría T., Nunes L. 2019 Distribución altitudinal de Cordulegaster boltonii (Donovan, 1807) (Odonata: Cordulegastridae) en montañas del Sistema Central de España. En: Medio Ambiente y Protección de la Naturaleza. Estudios en homenaje a los profesores Francisco Campos e Isabel Montequi. Págs. 33-46 ISBN 978-84-946934-8-9 |
Moraza M.L., Pérez-Martínez S. 2019 The genus Uroseius Berlese (Acari: Mesostigmata: Uropodina: Trachytidae) in the Iberian Peninsula with description of a new species associated with animal remains. Systematic & Applied Acarology 24(5): 929–944 |
Queralt M., Walker J.K.M., De Miguel A., Parladé J., Anderson I.C., Hortal S. 2019 The ability of a host plant to associate with different symbiotic partners affects ectomycorrhizal functioning. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 95(6) |
De Torre M.P., Cavero R.Y., Calvo M.I., Vizmanos J.L. A simple and a reliable method to quantify antioxidant activity in vivo. Antioxidants 8, 142: 1-11 |
Young M.R., Moraza M.L., Ueckermann E., Heylen D., Lima Barbero J.F., Gal S., Gavish E., Gottlieb Y., Roy L., Recht E., El Adouzi M., Palevsky E. 2019 "Linking morphological and molecular taxonomy for the identification of poultry house, soil, and nest dwelling mites in the Western Palearctic . Scientific Reports – Nature 9; 5784 |
Torres N., Plano D., Antolín M.C., Sanmartín C., Domínguez-Fernández M., De Peña M-P., Encío I., Goicoechea N. (2019) Potential biomedical reuse of vegetative residuals from mycorrhized grapevines subjected to warming, Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science,65:10, 1341-1353 |
Casanueva P., Sharifi F.S., Hernández M.A., Campos F. Colour of the gonapophyses in Cordulogaster boltonii (Golden-ringed Dragonfly) can help determine the stage of metamorphosis in female final instar larvae. Journal of the British Dragonfly Society, 35: 33-38 |
Shumilova O., Zak D., Datry T., von Schiller D., Corti R., Foulquier A., Obrador B., Tockner K., Altermatt F., Arce M.I., Arnon S., Banas D., Banegas‐Medina A., Beller E., Blanchette M.L.,. Blanco‐Libreros J.F., Blessing J., Gonçalves Boëchat I., Boersma K., Bogan M.T., Bonada N., Bond N., Brintrup K., Bruder A., Burrows R., Cancellario T., Carlson S.M., Cauvy‐Fraunié S., Cid N., Danger M., de Freitas Terra B., De Girolamo A.M., del Campo R., Dyer F., Elosegi A., Faye E., Febria C., Figueroa R., Four B., Gessner M.O., Gnohossou P., Gómez Cerezo R., Gómez‐Gener L., Graça M.A.S., Guareschi S., Gücker B., Hwan J.L., Kubheka S., Langhans S.D., Leigh C., Little C., Lorenz S., Marshall J., McIntosh A., Mendoza‐Lera C., Irmgard Meyer E., Miliša M., Mlambo M.C., Moleón M., Negus P., Niyogi D., Papatheodoulou A., Pardo I., Paril P., Pešić V., Rodríguez‐Lozano P., Rolls R.J., Sánchez‐Montoya M.M., Savić A., Steward A., Stubbington R., Taleb A., Vander Vorste R., Waltham N., Zoppini A., Zarfl Ch. Simulating rewetting events in intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams: a global analysis of leached nutrients and organic matter. Global Change Biology 25:1591–1611 |
García-Gómez P., Almagro G., Sánchez-López Á.M., Bahaji A., Ameztoy K., Ricarte-Bermejo A., Baslam M., Antolín M.C., Urdiain A., López-Belchi M.D., López-Gómez P., Morán J.F., Garrido J., Muñoz F.J., Baroja-Fernández E., Pozueta-Romero J. 2019 Volatile compounds other than CO 2 emitted by different microorganisms promote distinct post-transcriptionally regulated responses in plants: Microbial VCs other than CO2 are bioactive Plant Cell Environ 42(5):1729-1746 |
Young M.R., Moraza M.L., Ueckermann E., Heylen D., Lima Barbero J.F., Gal S., Gavish E., Gottlieb Y., Roy L., Recht E., El Adouzi M., Palevsky E. Linking expert molecular and morphological taxonomy to develop identification tools for non-experts through the barcode of life: A case study on the identification of potential biocontrol agents of the Poultry Red Mite. Scientific Reports 9: 5784 |
Young M.R., Moraza M.L., Ueckermann E., Heylen D., Lima Barbero J.F., Gal S., Gavish E., Gottlieb Y., Roy L., Recht E., El Adouzi M., Palevsky E. Linking expert molecular and morphological taxonomy to develop identification tools for non-experts through the barcode of life: A case study on the identification of potential biocontrol agents of the Poultry Red Mite. Scientific Reports 9: 5784 |
Casas M., Puig J., Erneta L. El estudio del paisaje en la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria: una mirada desde los libros de texto de ciencias sociales. UNES. Universidad Escuela y Sociedad 6: 56-75 |
Martín-Gómez C., Zuazua-Ros A., Bermejo-Busto J., Baquero E., Miranda R., Sanz C. Potential strategies offered by animals to implement in buildings´energy performance: Theory and practice. Frontiers in Architectural Research 8: 17-31 |
Martín-Gómez C., Zuazua-Ros A., Bermejo-Busto J., Baquero E., Miranda R., Sanz C. Potential strategies offered by animals to implement in buildings´energy performance: Theory and practice. Frontiers in Architectural Research 8: 17-31 |
Escribano N., Galicia D., Ariño A.H. Completeness of Digital Accessible Knowledge (DAK) of terrestrial mammals in the Iberian Peninsula. PlosONE 14(3): e0213542 |
Vedia I, Almeida D., Rodeles A.A., Leunda P., Baquero E., Galicia D., Oscoz J., Elustondo D., Santamaría J.M., Miranda R. 2018-19. Behavioral Interactions and Trophic Overlap between Invasive Signal Crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus (Decapoda, Astacidae) and Native Fishes in Iberian Rivers. Water, 11(3), 459 |
Fiasconaro M.L., Lovato M.E., Antolín M.C., Clementi L.A., Torres N., Gervasio S., Martín C.A. 2019 Role of proline accumulation on fruit quality of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) grown with a K-rich compost under drought conditions. Scientia Horticulturae 249: 280-288 |
Costello M., Ariño A.H., Daly J., Hobern D., Krishtalka L., Townsend P., Soberón J. Distinguishing essential and fundamental biodiversity variables. Biological Conservation En prensa |
Monte I., Franco-Zorrilla J.M., García-Casado G., Zamarreño A.M., García-Mina J.M., Nishihama R., Kohchi T., Solano R.A . Single JAZ repressor controls the jasmonate pathway in marchantia polymorpha. Molecular Plant 12 (2),185-198 |
Pérez S., Moraza M.L., Saloña-Bordas M.I. 2019 Gamasina mites (Acari: Mesostigmata) associated with animal remains in the Mediterranean region of Navarra (northern Spain) Insects 10(5): 1-12 |
Foltran E., Rocha J., Bazani J., Gonçalves J.L., Rodrigues M., Pavinato P., Ribas G., Erro J., Garcia-Mina J.M. 2019 Phosphorus pool responses under different P inorganic fertilizers for a eucalyptus plantation in a loamy Oxisol. Forest Ecology and Management 435 (2019) 170–179 |
García-Gómez P., Almagro G., Sánchez-López Á.M., Bahaji A., Ameztoy K., Ricarte-Bermejo A., Baslam M., Antolín M.C., Urdiain A., López-Belchi M.D., López-Gómez P., Morán J.F., Garrido J., Muñoz F.J., Baroja-Fernández E., Pozueta-Romero J. 2019 Volatile compounds other than CO2 emitted by different microorganisms promote distinct post-transcriptionally regulated responses in plants: Microbial VCs other than CO2 are bioactive. Plant Cell Environ 42(5):1729-1746 |
Rivas E., Santiago J.L., Lechón Y., Martín F., Ariño A.H., Pons J.J., Santamaría J.M. 2019 CFD Modelling of air quality in Pamplona City (Spain): Assessment, stations spatial representativeness and health impacts valuation. Science of the Total Environment 649: 1362-1380 |
Alejandre M., Ansorena D., Calvo M.I., Cavero R.Y., Astiasarán I. 2019 Influence of a gel emulsion containing microalgal oil and a blackthorn (Prunus spinosa L.) branch extract on the antioxidant capacity and acceptability of reduced-fat beef patties. Meat Science 148: 219–222 |