
Publicaciones de 2015


Aranjuelo I., Erice G., Sanz-Sáez A., Abadie C., Gilard F., Gil E., Avice J-C., Staudinger C., Wienkoop S., Araus J.L., Bourguignon J.,. Irigoyen JJ. Tcherkez G. 2015. Differential CO2 effect on primary carbon metabolism of flag leaves in durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) Plant, Cell & Environment, 38(12): 2780-2794

Badreldin, N., Uria-Diez, J., Mateu, J., Youssef, A., Stal, C., El-Bana, M., Magdy, A. & Goossens, R. 2015. A spatial pattern analysis of the halophytic species distribution in an arid coastal environment. Environ. Monit. Assess., 187: 224

Baquero E., Mandal G., Jordana R. Entomobryoidea (Collembola) from Himachal Pradesh (India) in the Himalayas. Zootaxa 4027 (1): 001–041.

Barriuso B., Ansorena D., Calvo M.I., Cavero R.Y., Astiasarán I.  Role of Melissa officinalis in cholesterol oxidation: antioxidant effect in model systems and application in beef patties. Food Research International (69): 133-140

Bautista-Hernández C.E., Monks S., Pulido-Flores G., Miranda R. A new species of Paracreptotrema (Digenea, Plagiorchiformes, Allocreadiidae) infecting two species of poeciliids in Río Malila of the Río Pánuco basin, Hidalgo, México, with a key to the species of the genus. ZooKeys 482: 55-66

Billard V., Maillard A., Garnica M., Cruz, F., Garcia-Mina JM.,  Yvin JC.,  Ourry A. Etienne P. Zn deficiency in Brassica napus induces Mo and Mn accumulation associated with chloroplast proteins variation without Zn remobilization. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 86: 66-71

Casas M., Erneta L. El paisaje en la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. Una oportunidad educativa en el cambio curricular LOE-LOMCE. Didactica geográfica,16: 45-71.

Calvo MI, Cavero RY. Medicinal plants used for neurological and mental disorders in navarra and their validation from official sources. J Ethnopharmacol. 169: 263–268

Cavero RY, Calvo MI. Medicinal plants used for musculoskeletal disorders in Navarra and their pharmacological validation. J Ethnopharmacol. 168: 255–259

Debendetti AL, Sainz-Elipe S, Sáez-Durán S, Galicia D, Imaz A, Galán-Puchades MT, Fuentes MV. The helminth community of the wood mouse Apodemus sylvaticus from the Erro River valley, Navarre, Spain. Journal of Helminthology 89, 727–733

Díez-León M., Miranda R., Ariño A., Galicia D. Setting priorities for existing conservation needs of crayfish and mink. Conservation Biology, Volume 29, No. 2, 599–601 (2015)

Encalada M.A., Rehecho S., Ansorena D., Astiasarán I., Cavero R.Y., Calvo M.I.. Antiproliferative effect of phenylethanoid glycosides from Verbena 1 officinalis L. on Colon Cancer Cell Lines. LWT-Food Science and Technology 63 (2): 1016–1022

Fabbrin E., Gogorcena Y., Mogor A.F., Garmendia I., Goicoechea N. Pearl millet growth and biochemical alterations determined by mycorrhizal inoculation, water availability and atmospheric CO2 concentration. Crop & Pasture Science, 66: 831–840

Fiasconaro ML., Antolín MC., Lovato ME., Gervasio S., Martín CA. Study of fat compost from dairy industry wastewater as a newsubstrate for pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) crop. Scientia Horticulturae 193: 359–366

Galicia D, Leunda PM, Miranda R, Madoz J, Parmenter S, 2015. Morphometric contribution to the detection of introgressive hybridization in the endangered Owens Tui Chub in California. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 144(2): 431-442.

Goicoechea N., Garmendia I., Fabbrinc E.G., Bettoni M.M. , Palop J.A., Sanmartín C. Selenium fertilization and mycorrhizal technology may interfere inenhancing bioactive compounds in edible tissues of lettuces. Scientia Horticulturae 195 (2015) 163–172

Herrera L. Orden Dermaptera. Revista IDE@ - SEA, nº 42 (30-06-2015): 1–10.

Herrera L. Especies invasoras y la fauna canaria. Diario de avisos.

Idohou R., Ariño A.H., Assogbadjo A.E., Kakai R.G., Sinsin B. Knowledge of diversity of wild palms (arecaceae) in the republic of benin: finding gaps in the national inventory by combining field and digital accessible knowledge. Biodiversity Informatics,10: 45-55

Iglesias N., Delgado V., Ederra A. A comparison between the diaspore bank and above-ground bryoflora in the beech forests of Navarra (Northern Spain). Cryptogamie, Bryologie, 2015, 36 (1): 19-40

Jauregui I., Aroca R., Garnica M., Zamarreño Á.M., García-Mina J.M., Serret M.D., Parry M., Irigoyen J.J., Aranjuelo I. Nitrogen assimilation and transpiration: key processes conditioning responsiveness of wheat to elevated [CO2 ] and temperature. Physiol Plant. 155(3):338-354.

Kizildeniz T., Mekni I., Santesteban H., Pascual I., Morales F., Irigoyen JJ. 2015. Effects of climate change including elevated CO2 concentration, temperature and water deficit on growth, water status, and yield quality of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) cultivars. Agricultural Water Management Agricultural Water Management 159 (2015) 155–164

Leibar U., Aizpurua A., Unamunzaga O., Pascual I., Morales F. How will climate change influence grapevine cv. Tempranillo photosynthesis under different soil textures? Photosynthesis Research (2015) 124:199–215

Maillard A., Diquélou S., Billard V., Laîné P., Garnica M., Prudent M., Garcia-Mina J.M., Yvin J.C., Ourry A. Leaf mineral nutrient remobilization during leaf senescence and modulation by nutrient deficiency. Frontiers in plant science 13;6:317.

Martínez-Lüscher J., Morales F., Sánchez-Díaz M., Delrot S., Aguirreolea J., Gomès E., Pascual I. Climate change conditions (elevated CO2 and temperature) and UV-B radiation affect grapevine (Vitis vinifera cv. Tempranillo) leaf carbon assimilation, altering fruit ripening rates. Plant Science, 236: 168–176

Martínez-Lüscher J., Morales F. Delrot S., Sánchez-Díaz M., Gomès E.,  Aguirreolea J., Pascual I. Characterization of the adaptive response of grapevine(cv. Tempranillo) to UV-B radiation under water deficit conditions. Plant Science 232 (2015) 13–22

Miranda, R. Freshwater fisheries resources in subtropical America, in Freshwater Fisheries Ecology (ed J. F. Craig), John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chichester, UK. doi:10.1002/9781118394380.ch22

Moraza ML., Lindquist E.E. Systematics and biology of mites associated with neotropical hispine beetles in unfurled leaves of Heliconia, with descriptions of two new genera of the family Melicharidae (Acari: Mesostigmata: Gamasina: Ascoidea). Zootaxa 3931 (3): 301–351

Neves T., Irigoyen J.J., García C., Nogués S., Aparicio-Tejo P.M., Aranjuelo I. Leaf d15N as a physiological indicator of the responsiveness of N2-fixing alfalfa plants to elevated [CO2], temperature and low water availability. Frontiers in Science, 6:574

Niculcea M., Martinez-Lapuente L., Guadalupe Z., Sánchez-Díaz M., Ayestarán B., Antolín M. C. Characterization of phenolic composition of Vitis vinifera L. ‘Tempranillo’ and ‘Graciano’ subjected to deficit irrigation during berry development. Vitis 54, 9–16 (2015)

Olaetxea M, Mora V, Bacaicoa E, Garnica M, Fuentes M, Casanova E, Zamarreño AM, Iriarte JC, Etayo D, Ederra I, Gonzalo R, Baigorri R, and García-Mina JM. Abscisic Acid Regulation of Root Hydraulic Conductivity and Aquaporin Gene Expression Is Crucial to the Plant Shoot Growth Enhancement Caused by Rhizosphere Humic Acids. Plant Physiology 169: 2587–2596

Pinacho, R., Cavero, RY., Astiasarán, I., Calvo, MI., Ansorena, D. 2015. Phenolic compounds of blackthorn (Prunus spinosa L.) and influence of in vitro digestion on their antioxidant capacity. Journal of Functional Foods, 19: 49-62

Rojo M.A., Hernández M.A., Campos F., Santamaría T., Dias S. Casanueva P. The Iberian Peninsula is an area of infection by haemoproteus payevskyi and haemoproteus nucleocondensus for the white-throated dipper cinclus cinclus. Ardeola 62(2): 373-382

Salazar-Parra C., Aranjuelo I., Pascual I., Erice G., Sanz-Sáez A., Aguirreolea J., Sánchez-Díaz M., Irigoyen J.J., Araus J.L., Morales F.  Carbon balance, partitioning and photosynthetic acclimation in fruit-bearing grapevine (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Tempranillo) grown under simulated climate change (elevated CO2, elevated temperature and moderate drought) scenarios in temperature gradient greenhouses. Journal of Plant Physiology 174 (2015) 97–109

Silva-Navas J., Moreno-Risueno M.A., Manzano C., Pallero-Baena M., Navarro-Neila S., Téllez-Robledo B., Garcia-Mina J.M., Baigorri R., Gallego F.J., Del Pozo J.C. D-Root: a system for cultivating plants with the roots in darkness or under different light conditions. Plant J. 84(1):244-255.

Sorin E., Etienne P., Maillard A., Zamarreño A.M., Garcia-Mina J.M., Arkoun M., Jamois F., Cruz F., Yvin J.C., Ourry A. Effect of sulphur deprivation on osmotic potential components and nitrogen metabolism in oilseed rape leaves: identification of a new early indicator. J Exp Bot. 66(20):6175-89.

Stamatiadis S., Evangelou L., Yvin JC., Tsadilas C., Garcia Mina JM., Cruz F. Responses of winter wheat to Ascophyllum nodosum (L.) Le Jol. extract application under the effect of N fertilization and water supply.   Journal of Applied Phycology, 27 (1): 589-600

Taibi A., Hernández M.A., El Amine Bentaallah M., Doumandji S. New Evidence on Morphology and Distribution of the Southern Grey Shrike (Lanius meridionalis) in Maghreb. Pakistan journal of zoology 04/2015; 47:571-574

Teruel R., De Biurrun G. Primer registro del escorpión norteamericano Vaejovis Mexicanus C. L. Koch, 1836 (scorpiones: vaejovidae) en España. Revista Ibérica de Aracnología, nº 27: 124–126.

Torres N., Goicoechea N., Antolín M.C. (2015). Antioxidant properties of leaves from different accessions of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) cv. Tempranillo after applying biotic and/or environmental modulator factors. Industrial Crops and Products 76: 77-85

Vedia I., Oscoz J., Rueda J., Miranda R., García-Roger E.M., Baquero E., Gelder S.R. An alien ectosymbiotic branchiobdellidan (Annelida: Clitellata) adopting exotic crayfish: a biological co-invasion with unpredictable consequences. Inland Waters, 5, pp. 89-92

Vetvicka V., Garcia-Mina  JM., Proctor M., Yvin JC. Humic Acid and Glucan: Protection Against Liver Injury Induced by Carbon Tetrachloride.  Journal of Medicinal Food,  18 (5): 572-577

Vetvicka V., Garcia-Mina J.M., Yvin J.C. Prophylactic effects of humic acid-glucan combination against experimental liver injury. J Intercult Ethnopharmacol 4(3):249-255.

Vidal M., Hernández M.A., Antonio L., Dominguez J. Lack of genetic structure in Kentish Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus) from the Iberian coast. What’s wrong with the endangered northwestern population? Bird Conservation International. 25(2):153-165