Delayed Perfect Monitoring in Repeated Games
WPnull/09 Delayed Perfect Monitoring in Repeated Games
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- Markus Kinateder (
Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Universidad de Navarra
Abstract Delayed perfect monitoring in an infinitely repeated discounted game is studied. A player perfectly observes any other players action choice with a fixed, but finite delay. The observational delays between different pairs of players are heterogeneous and asymmetric. The Folk Theorem extends to this setup, although for a range of discount factors strictly below 1, the set of belief-free equilibria is reduced under certain conditions. This model applies to any situation in which there is a heterogeneous delay between information generation and the players reaction to it.
Classification JEL:C72, C73
Keywords:Repeated Game, Delayed Perfect Monitoring, Folk Theorem
Number of Pages:22
Creation Date:2009-12-17