Estás en:
The Structure of Payments in Technology Transfer Contracts: Evidence from Spain
Revisiting the Ability of Interest Rate Spreads to Predict Recessions: Evidence for a
The explaining role of the Earning-Price Ratio in the Spanish Stock Market
Serial and cross-correlation in the Spanish Stock Market returns
Additional Empirical Evidence on Real Convergence: A Fractionally Integrated Approach
Multivariate Tests of Fractionally Integrated Hypotheses
Root-n-Consistent Estimation of Weak Fractional Cointegration
Cointegration in Fractional Systems with Unknown Integration Orders
Using Unlabeled Data to Improve Classification in the Naive Bayes Approach: Application to Web Searc
Dating Recessions from Industrial Production Indexes: An Analysis for Europe and the US
Financial Intermediation, Variability and the Development Process
Stock Market Cycles and Stock Market Development in Spain
Is the US Fiscal Deficit Sustainable? A Fractionally Integrated and Cointegrated Approach
Do Spanish Stock Market Prices Follow a Random Walk?
Raúl Bajo
Campus Universitario
31009 Pamplona, España
+34 948 42 56 00