
Últimas publicaciones



· Rivero-Barbarroja, G.; López-Fernández, J.; Juárez-Gonzálvez, I.; Fernández-Clavero, C.; Di Giorgio, C.; Vélaz, I.; Garrido, M.J.; Benito, J.M.; Ortiz Mellet, C.; Mendicuti, F.; Tros de Ilarduya, C.; García Fernández J.M. β-Cyclodextrin-based geometrically frustrated amphiphiles as one-component, cell-specific and organ-specific nucleic acid delivery systems. Carbohydrate Polymers 2025, 347, 122776.

· Ruiz-Ardanaz, I.; Araiz-González, S.; Lasheras, E.; Durán, A. The Ceramic Production and Distribution Network in the Ancient Kingdom of Navarre (Spain) during the 12th–15th Centuries. Heritage 2024, 7, 4814–4828.

· Ruiz-Ardanaz, I.; Lasheras, E.; Durán, A. The Enamelled Tiles of Olite’s Castle (Spain): Characterization, Provenance, and Manufacture Technology. Crystals 2024, 14, 813.

· Ruiz-Ardanaz, I; Úriz-Asiáin, O.; Lasheras, E.; Durán, A. Tiebas Castle’ tuiles vernissées: Characterization, raw clay provenance, and manufacturing technology. Applied Clay Science. 2024, 260, 107552.

· Rathod, S. D., Hamilton, D. S., Nino, L., Kreidenweis, S. M., Bian, Q., Mahowald, N. M., et al. Constraining present day anthropogenic total iron emissions using model and observations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 2024, 129, e2023JD040332

· Yu, H.; Yan, Z.; Dreiss, C.A. ; Gaitano, G.G.; Jarvis, J. A.; Gentleman, E.; da Silva, R.M.; Grigoriadis, A.E. Injectable PEG Hydrogels with Tissue-Like Viscoelasticity Formed through Reversible Alendronate–Calcium Phosphate Crosslinking for Cell–Material Interactions. Advanced Healthcare Materials 2024, 2400472

· Hernández-Garcés, A.; García Reynoso, J.A.; Morera-Gómez, Y. Impact of radioactive emissions from the Laguna Verde nuclear power plant using CALPUFF. Annals of Nuclear Energy 2024205, 110603

· Rubio-Aguinaga A, Fernández JM, Navarro-Blasco I, Alvarez JI. Study on the interaction of polymeric chemical additives with phase change materials in air lime renders. Polymers 2024, 16(8), 1121

· Peñas, F.J.; Tapia, M.E.; Vitas, A.I. Study on the compatibility of a treated effluent from automobile industry with conventional municipal activated sludge process. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 

· Dirany, Z.; Smith, G.N.; Aydillo, C.; Nguewa, P.; González-Gaitano, G. Structure and activity of amphiphilic PEO-PPO-based polymeric micelles and gels incorporating host–guest complexes of miltefosine as novel formulations for the treatment of leishmaniasis. J. Mol. Liq. 2024, 400, 124455

· Lu, Louis; Li, Longlei; Rathod, Sagar; Hess, Peter; Martínez, Carmen; Fernandez, Nicole; Goodale, Christine; Thies, Janice; Wong, Michelle Y; Alaimo, Maria Grazia; Artaxo, Paulo; Barraza, Francisco; Barreto, Africa; Beddows, David; Chellam, Shankarararman; Chen, Ying; Chuang, Patrick; Cohen, David D; Dongarrà, Gaetano; Gaston, Cassandra, Gómez, Darío; Morera-Gómez, Yasser, et al. Characterizing the Atmospheric Mn Cycle and Its Impact on Terrestrial Biogeochemistry. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 2024, 38(4)

· Book chapter: Goñi-Ciaurriz, L; Vélaz, I. Chapter 4: Antibacterial properties of polylactic acid composites for food packaging. In: Polylactic Acid Composites. Sustainable biocomposites. Eds. Rakesh, Pawan Kumar and Davim, J. Paulo. Ed. De Gruyter, 2024, ISSN 2192-8983.

· González-Sánchez, J.F.; Fernández-Villagómez, G.; Loredo Jasso, A.U.; Fernández, J.M.; Navarro-Blasco, I.; Álvarez, J.I. Increasing the Sustainability of the Stabilization/Solidification of Potentially Toxic Elements Contained in Tailings from an Active Mine Using a Modified Lime Mortar. Sustainability 2024 , 16, 2320

· Kiio, L.K., Onyatta, J.O.; Ndangili, P.M; Oloo F.; Santamaría, C.; Montuenga, L.M.; Mbui, D.N. Ultrasensitive immunosensor for multiplex detection of cancer biomarkers carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and yamaguchi sarcoma viral oncogene homolog 1 (YES1) based on eco-friendly synthesized gold nanoparticles. Talanta 2024, 266

· Pérez-Rodríguez, J.L; Robador, M.D; Larrea, G; Durán, A. Revealing Juan de Oviedo y de la Bandera's Artworks: The Case of the Polychrome of a Stone-Carved Sculpture from the Madre de Dios Convent Façade in Seville. Minerals 2024, 14: 225

· Morera-Gómez, Y.; Armas-Camejo, A.; Santamaría, J.M.; Alonso-Hernández, C.M.; Lahsheras, E.; Widory, D.; Elustondo D. Chemical and C and N stable isotope compositions of three species of epiphytic Tillandsia in a Caribbean coastal zone: air pollution sources and biomonitoring implications. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 2024, 60(2),141

· Pangua, C.; Espuelas, S.; Martínez-Ohárriz, M.C.; Vizmanos, J.L.; Irache, J.M. Mucus-penetrating and permeation enhancer albumin-based nanoparticles for oral delivery of macromolecules: Application to bevacizumab. Drug Delivery and Translational Research 2024, 14, 1189





· Ramos-Inza, S.; Almagro, E.; Font, M.; Encío, I.; Plano, D.; Sanmartín, C.; Sirera, R.; Lizarraga, E. Thermal characterization, polymorphism, and stability evaluation of Se-NSAID derivatives with potent anticancer activity. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 2023

· Kiio, LK, Onyatta, J.O.; Ndangili, P.M; Oloo F.; Santamaría, C.; Montuenga, L.M.; Mbui, D.N. Development of electrochemical immunosensor for quantitative detection of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) biomaker YES1. Biosensors and Bioelectronics: X. Volume 14, 2023, 100386

· Pérez-Rodríguez, J.L; Pérez-Maqueda, L.A; Franquelo, M.L; Durán, A. Seville history insight through their construction mortars. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 2023, 148, 13157.

· ​​​​​​Bretos, I.; Jiménez, R.; Ricote, J.; et al. Low-temperature sol-gel methods for the integration of crystalline metal oxide thin films in flexible electronics. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology. 2023,107, 269.

· Carriles, J.; Nguewa, P.; González-Gaitano, G. Advances in Biomedical Applications of Solution Blow SpinningInt. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 24, 14757.

· Tena-Santafé VM, Fernández JM , Fernández-Acevedo C, Oroz-Mateo T, Navarro-Blasco I, Álvarez JI. Development of Photocatalytic Coatings for Building Materials with Bi2O3-ZnO Nanoparticles. Catalysts 2023; 13(11) , 1412.

·  ​​​​​​Patrian, M.; Nieddu, M.; Banda-Vázquez, J.A.; Gutierrez-Armayor, D.; González-Gaitano, G.; Fuenzalida-Werner, J.P.; Costa, R.D. Genetically Encoded Oligomerization for Protein-Based Lighting DevicesAdvanced Materials 2023, 2303993. 

· Olguin, C.; Azcona, J.; Fernández-Rodríguez, J. ; Durán, A. Acid and alkali chemical treatments on synthetic and natural cellulosic, fibroin and keratin-based fabrics: study of structural changesThe Journal of The Textile Institute 2023, 114, 1539.

· Goñi-Ciaurriz, L.; Rosas-Val, P.; Gamazo,C.; Vélaz, I. Photocatalytic and antibacterial performance of β-cyclodextrin-TiOnanoparticles loading sorbic and benzoic acids. Colloid and Interface Science Communications 2023, 57: 100747

· Lorente, M.; González-Gaitano, G.; Valero, M.; González-Benito, J. Solution Blow Spun Poly(ethylene oxide)/Poly-e-caprolactone System: Properties and Dissolution in Water. ACS Appl. Polym. Mater. 2023, 5, 8, 6562–6573.

· Azcona, J.; Olguin, C.; Durán, A.; Fernández-Rodríguez, J. Approach to anaerobic bio-degradation of natural and synthetic fabrics: Physico-chemical study of the alteration processesJournal of Environmental Management 2023, 342, 118366.

· Aranaz, J.; de Hita, D.; Olaetxea, M.; Urrutia, O.; Fuentes, M.; Baigorri, R.; Garnica, M.; Movila, M.; Zamarreño, A. M.; Erro, J.; Baquero, E.; González-Gaitano, G.; Álvarez, J. I.; Garcia-Mina, J. M. The molecular conformation, but not disaggregation, of humic acid in water solution plays a crucial role in promoting plant development in the natural environmentFrontiers in Plant Science 2023, 1180688.

· Edo C.; Fernández-Piñas F.; Leganes F.; Gómez M.; Martínez I.; Herrera A.; Hernández-Sánchez C.; González-Sálamo J.; Hernández Borges J.; López-Castellanos J.; Bayo J.; Romera-Castillo C.; Elustondo D.; Santamaría C.; Alonso R.; García-Gómez H.; González-Cascón R.; Martínez-Hernández V.; Landaburu-Aguirre J.; Incera M.; Gago J.; Noya B.; Beiras R., Muniategui-Lorenzo, S.; Rosal, R.; González-Pleiter, M. A nationwide monitoring of atmospheric microplastic deposition. Science of the Total Environment 2023, 905, 166923.

· Baigorri, R.; González-Gaitano, G.; Garcia-Mina, J. M. Thermodynamic and spectroscopic data suggesting hypothetical humic fractions evolution on carbon cycle in soilsScience of the Total Environment 2023, 163899.

· Dirany, Z.; El-Dirany, R.; Smith, G.N.; Nguewa, P; González-Gaitano, G. Mixed micelles and gels of a hydrophilic poloxamine (Tetronic 1307) and miltefosine: Structural characterization by small-angle neutron scattering and in vitro evaluation for the treatment of leishmaniasisJournal of Molecular Liquids 2023, 379, 121654.

· Maravelaki PN, Kapetanaki K, Papayianni I, Ioannou I, Faria P, Alvarez JI, Stefanidou M, Nunes C, Theodoridou M, Ferrara L, Toniolo L, RILEM TC 277-LHS report: additives and admixtures for modern lime-based mortars, Mater. Struct. 2023, 56, 106.

· Pavia S, Veiga R, Hughes J, Pesce G, Valek J, Alvarez JI, Faria P, Padovnik A. RILEM TC 277-LHS report: How hot are hot-lime-mixed mortars? A review. Mater. Struct. 2023, 56, 1.

· Kramar, A.; Rodríguez Ortega, I.; González-Gaitano, G.; González-Benito, J. Solution casting of cellulose acetate films: influence of surface substrate and humidity on wettability, morphology and optical propertiesCellulose 2023, 30, 2037.

· Petitjean, M.; Isasi, J.R. Preparation of ß-cyclodextrin/polysaccharide foams using saponin. Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 78.

· Vandera, K.-K. A., Pague, C., Omar, J., González-Gaitano, G., Ways, T. M. M., Khutoryanskiy, V. V., Dreiss, C. A., Formation of Supramolecular Gels from Host–Guest Interactions between PEGylated Chitosan and α-Cyclodextrin. Macromol. Mater. Eng. 2023, 2200646.

· Dirany, Z.; El-Dirany, R.; González-Gaitano, G.; Nguewa, P. Therapeutic Applications of Cyclodextrins against Trypanosomiases and Leishmaniasis. In: Microbial Systematics. Biomolecules and Natural Macromolecules. CRC Press: Boca Raton, USA, 2023, vol. 8, 154-177.

·  Lozano-Lunar A, Otero R, Alvarez JI, Jiménez JR, Fernández-Rodríguez JM. Application of layer double hydroxide in cementitious matrices for the improvement of the double Barrier Technique in the immobilisation of lead wasteApplied Clay Science 2023, 238,106938.

· Ruiz-Ardanaz, I.; Gil-Fernández, M.; Lasheras, E.; Durán, A. Revealing the manufacturing technology to produce the unique carreaux de pavement found in the Iberian PeninsulaApplied Clay Science 2023, 231, 106725.

· Lucio, D.; Zornoza, A.; Martínez-Ohárriz, MC. Role of Microstructure in Drug Release from Chitosan Amorphous Solid Dispersions. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23, 15367.

· Zornoza, A.; Vélaz, I.; González-Gaitano, G.; Martínez-Ohárriz, MC.  A Comprehensive Study of Gemfibrozil Complexation with ß-Cyclodextrins in Aqueous Solution Using Different Analytical Techniques. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022, 23, 16119. 

· Albero, D.; Carbajal, JD.; Durán, A. (Eds.) Mineralogical Approaches to Archaeological Materials: Technological and Social Insights. In: Minerals. Ed. mdpi, 2022.

· Fernández-Rodrígez, J.; Lorea, B.; González-Gaitano, G. Biological Solubilisation of Leather Industry Waste in Anaerobic Conditions: Effect of Chromium (III) Presence, Pre-Treatments and Temperature Strategies. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022, 23, 13647

· Gaspar Groot, Rosario Veiga, Ioanna Papayianni, Rob Van Hees, Michele Secco, José I Alvarez, Paulina Faria, María Stefanidou RILEM TC 277-LHS report: lime-based mortars for restoration–a review on long-term durability aspects and experience from practice. Materials and Structures 55 (10), 1-33 (2022)

· Correction to: RILEM TC 277-LHS report: a review on the mechanisms of setting and hardening of lime-based binding systems. JI Alvarez, R Veiga, S Martínez-Ramírez, M Secco, P Faria, PN Maravelaki, M Ramesh, I Papayianni, J Válek. Materials and Structures 55 (2) 1-2 (2022) 

· Andrea Rubio-Aguinaga, José María Fenéndez-Alvarez, Iñigo Navarro-Blasco, José Ignacio Alvarez-Galindo Enhancement of latent heat storage capacity of lime rendering mortars en Bokan Bosiljkov, V. (Violeta); Padovnik, A. (Andreja); Turk, T.(Tilen): Štukovnik, P. (Petra) "Proceedings of the 6th Historic Mortars Conference - HMC 2022". Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2022-09-21, p 620-633

· Andrea Rubio-Aguinaga, José María Fenéndez-Alvarez, Iñigo Navarro-Blasco, José Ignacio Alvarez-Galindo Obtaining or repair lime renders with microencapsulated phase change materials: optimization of the composition, application, mechanical and microstructural studies en Bokan Bosiljkov, V. (Violeta); Padovnik, A. (Andreja); Turk, T.(Tilen): Štukovnik, P. (Petra) "Proceedings of the 6th Historic Mortars Conference - HMC 2022". Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2022-09-21, p 634-648

· Goñi-Ciaurriz, L.; Vélaz, I. Antibacterial and Degradable Properties of β-Cyclodextrin-TiO2 Cellulose acetate and Polylactic acid Bionanocomposites for food packaging. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2022 

· Rochín-Wong, S.; Vélaz , I. Lipid and polymeric nanocapsules.  Drug carriers. IntechOpen, 2022, 1-33.  

· Perez-Rodriguez, J.L. ; Robador, M.D.; Duran, A. Composition and technological features of ceramics manufactured by Benito de Valladares in the seventeenth century from the Alcazar Palace in Seville, Spain. The European Physical Journal Plus 137, 2022, 469 

· Petitjean, M.; Lamberto, N; Zornoza, A.; Isasi, J.R. Green synthesis and chemometric characterization of hydrophobic xanthan matrices: Interactions with phenolic compounds. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2022, 119387.

· Petitjean, M.; Isasi, J.R. Locust Bean Gum, a Vegetable Hydrocolloid with Industrial and Biopharmaceutical Applications. Molecules 2022, 27, 8265. 

· Etxebeste, M.; Durán, A.; Sanmartín C., González-Peñas, E.; Plano, D.; Lizarraga, L. Thermal characterization and stability evaluation of leishmanicidal selenocyanate and diselenide derivatives. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. volume 147, pages 3127–3139 (2022)

· Guembe-Michel, N.; Durán, A.; Sirera, R.; González-Gaitano, G. Solvent-Free Formation of Cyclodextrin-Based Pseudopolyrotaxanes of Polyethylene Glycol: Kinetic and Structural Aspects. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022 23(2), 685

· Durán. A.; Pérez-Rodríguez, J.L. Analysis of fabrics and metal threads from two Andalusian liturgical vestments from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries: a multitechnical approachThe European Physical Journal Plus 137 (2022) 79.

· Lorente, MA.; González-Gaitano, G.; González-Benito, J. Preparation, Properties and Water Dissolution Behavior of Polyethylene Oxide Mats Prepared by Solution Blow SpinningPolymers, 2022, 14(7), 1299.

· Peñas, F.J.; Romo, A.; Isasi, J.R. Removal of Cresols From Water by Packed Beds of Cyclodextrin-Based HydrogelsJournal of Polymers and the Environment2022, 30, 1189-1198. 

· De Diego-Díaz. B.; Peñas, F.J.; Fernández-Rodríguez, J. Sustainable management of lignocellulosic wastes: Temperature strategies for anaerobic digestion of artichoke. Journal of Cleaner Production 2021. 280, 124479.

· Book chapter: Juana Fernández Rodríguez (corresponding author), Beatriz de Diego-Díaz, M. Eugenia Tapia-Martín. Chapter 7: “Bio-methanization of agricultural lignocellulosic wastes: Pretreatments” from the book: Clean Energy and Resources Recovery: Biomass Waste Based Biorefineries. 1st Edición. Elsevier. ISBN. 978-0323852234. 155-202 of 380 pages. 2021. 

· Bates, A.E.; Primack, R.B.; Elustondo, D.; PAN-Environmental Working Group and Duarte,C.M. Global COVID-19 lockdown highlights humans as both threats and custodians of the environment. Biological Conservation. 2021, 109175.

· Mikel Etxebeste-Mitxeltorena, Esther Moreno, Manuela Carvalheiro, Alba Calvo, Iñigo Navarro-Blasco, Elena González-Penas, José I Alvarez-Galindo, Daniel Plano, Juan M Irache, Antonio J Almeida, Carmen Sanmartín, Socorro Espuelas. Oral Efficacy of a Diselenide Compound Loaded in Nanostructured Lipid Carriers in a Murine Model of Visceral Leishmaniasis. ACS infectious diseases 7 (12) 3197-3209 (2021)

· Angélica Lozano-Lunar, José Ignacio Alvarez, Iñigo Navarro-Blasco, José Ramón Jiménez, José María Fernández-Rodríguez. Optimisation of mortar with Mg-Al-Hydrotalcite as sustainable management strategy lead waste. Applied Clay Science 212: 106218 (2021

· José Ignacio Alvarez. Historic Mortars and New Repair Materials for the Architectural Heritage: Selected Papers from the 5th Historic Mortars Cenference (HMC 2019). International Journal of Architectural Heritage 14 (7), Páginas 943-947 

· Morera-Gómez,Y.; Alonso-Hernández, C.; Armas-Camejo, A.; Viera-Ribot, O.; Morales, M.C.; Alejo, D.; Elustondo, D.; Lasheras, E. and Santamaría, J.M. Pollution monitoring in two urban areas of Cuba by using Tillandsia recurvata (L.) L. and top soil samples: Spatial distribution and sourcesEcological Indicators, 2021, 16, 107667.

· Petitjean, M.; Isasi, J.R. Chitosan, xanthan and locust bean gum matrices crosslinked with ß-cyclodextrin as green sorbents of aromatic compoundsInternational Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2021, 180, 570-577.

· Petitjean, M.; García-Zubiri, I.X.; Isasi, J.R. History of cyclodextrin-based polymers in food and pharmacy: a reviewEnvironmental Chemistry Letters, 2021, 19, 3465–3476.

· Rima El-Dirany, Hawraa Shahrour, Zeinab Dirany, Fadi Abdel-Sater, Gustavo Gonzalez-Gaitano, Klaus Brandenburg, Guillermo Martinez de Tejada,  and Paul A. Nguewa. Activity of Anti-Microbial Peptides (AMPs) against Leishmania and Other Parasites: An OverviewBiomolecules 2021, 11(7), 984

· José Peña-Guerrero, Joan Puig-Rigall, Gustavo González-Gaitano, Paul Nguewa. Chapter 13 - Improving the miltefosine efficacy against leishmaniasis by using different nanoassemblies made from surfactansts or amphiphilic antimony (V) complex. Applications of Nanobiotechnology for Neglected Tropical Diseases. 2021, Pages 253-290.

· Puig-Rigall J., Blanco-Prieto M.J., Aydillo C., Radulescu, A., Molero-Vilchez D., Dreiss C.A., Gonzalez-Gaitano, G. Poloxamine/D-α-Tocopheryl polyethylene glycol succinate (TPGS) mixed micelles and gels: Morphology, loading capacity and skin drug permeability. Journal of Molecular Liquids 324, 2021,14930.

· J.L. Perez-Rodriguez, M.L. Franquelo. A. Duran. TG, DTA and X-ray thermodiffraction study of wall paintings from the 15th century.   Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 143: 3257-3265 (2021)

· C. Reboredo , C.J. González-Navarro, C. Martínez-Oharriz, A.L. Martínez-López, J. M. Irache. Preparation and evaluation of PEG-coated zein nanoparticles for oral drug delivery purposesInternational Journal of Pharmaceutics 597 (2021) 120287

· JF Gonzalez-Sanchez, B Taşcı, JM Fernández, Í Navarro-Blasco,  JI Alvarez. Improved of the depolluting and self-cleaning abilities of air lime mortars with dispersing admixturesJournal of Cleaner Production 2021, 292, 126069.

· JI Alvarez, R Veiga, S Martínez-Ramírez, M Secco, P Faria,  Pagona-Noni Maravelaki, Meera Ramesh, Ioanna Papayianni, Jan Valek. RILEM TC 277-LHS report: A review on the mechanisms of setting and hardening of lime-based binding systemsMaterials and Structures, 2021, 54 (2), 1-30.

· JF Gonzalez-Sanchez, JM Fernández, Í Navarro-Blasco, JI Alvarez. Improving lime-based rendering mortars with admixtures.  Construction and Building Materials 271, 2021, 121887

· Goñi-Ciáurriz, L.; Senosiain, M.; Vélaz, I. Aging Studies on Food Packaging Films Containing β-Cyclodextrin-Grafted TiO2 Nanoparticles. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021, 22 (5), 2257.

· Ruiz-Ardanaz, I.; Lasheras, E., Durán, A. Mineralogical Characterización of Carreaux de Pavement from Northern Spain (Tiebas, Navarre) Minerals,  2021. 11, 153

· Shahrour, H.; Dandache, I.; Martínez-López, A-L.; González-Gaitano, G.; Chokr, A.; Martínez-de-Tejada, G. An antibiotic potentiator retains its activity after being immobilized on silicone and prevents growth of multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilmsMaterials Science and Engineering: C, 2021, 121, 111876.

· Puig-Rigall J.; Blanco-Prieto, M.J.; Radulescu, A.; Dreiss, C.A.; González-Gaitano G. Morphology, gelation and cytotoxicity evaluation of D-α-Tocopheryl polyethylene glycol succinate (TPGS) – Tetronic mixed micelles. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2021. 582, 353-363.

Petitjean, M.; Aussant, F.; Vergara, A.; Isasi, J.R. Solventless Crosslinking of Chitosan, Xanthan, and Locust Bean Gum Networks Functionalized with beta-Cyclodextrin. Gels, 2020, 6(4), 51.

Petitjean, M.; García-Zubiri, I.X.; Isasi, J.R. Cyclodextrin-Based Polymers for Food and Pharmaceutical Applications: A Historical Review, en "The History of Cyclodextrins", Environmental Chemistry for a Sustainable World, 52, 281-304. Springer, 2020

Duran, A.; Perez-Rodriguez, J.L.; Revealing Andalusian wall paintings from the 15th century by mainly using infrared spectroscopy and colorimetryVibrational Spectroscopy. Volume 111, November 2020, 103153.

Goñi-Ciaurriz, L.; González-Gaitano, G; Vélaz, I. Cyclodextrin-grafted nanoparticles as foof preservative carriers. Int. J. Pharm. 2020. 15 October 2020, 119664

Vandera, K.; Picconi, P.; Valero, M.; González-Gaitano, G.; Woods, A.; Zain, N.M.; Bruce, K.; Clifton, L.; Skoda, M.; Rahman, K.; Harvey, R.; Dreiss, C. Antibiotic-in-Cyclodextrin-in-Liposomes: Formulation Development and Interactions with Model Bacterial MembranesMol. Pharmaceutics 2020. 7, 7, 2354–2369

Puig-Rigall J.; Serra-Gómez, R.; Guembe-MIchel, N.; Grillo, I. Dreiss, C.A.; González-Gaitano G. Threading Different Rings on X-Shaped Block Copolymers: Hybrid Pseudopolyrotaxanes of Cyclodextrins and Tetronics. Macromolecules2020, 53, 8, 3166-3174.

González-Sánchez, J.F.; Taşcı, B.; Fernández, J.M.; Navarro-Blasco, I; Alvarez, J.I. Combination of polymeric superplasticizers, water repellents and pozzolanic agents to improve air lime-based grouts for historic masonry repairPolymers2020, 12(4), 887.

Speziale A, González-Sánchez JF, Taşcı B, Pastor A, Sánchez L, Fernández-Acevedo C, Oroz-Mateo T, Salazar C, Navarro-Blasco I, Fernández JM, Alvarez JI. Development of Multifunctional Coatings for Protecting Stones and Lime Mortars of the Architectural HeritageInternational Journal of Architectural Heritage2020 14(7): 1008-1029  

Puig-Rigall J.; Fernández-Rubio C.; González-Benito J.; Houston JE.;  Radulescu A.; Nguewa P.; González-Gaitano G. Structural characterization by scattering and spectroscopic methods and biological evaluation of polymeric micelles of poloxamines and TPGS as nanocarriers for miltefosine deliveryInt J Pharm. 2020 Jan 25;578:119057. [Epub ahead of print]

Figueroa-Pizano, M. D., Vélaz, I., Martínez-Barbosa, M. E. A Freeze-Thawing Method to Prepare Chitosan-Poly(vinyl alcohol) Hydrogels Without Crosslinking Agents and Diflunisal Release StudiesJ. Vis. Exp. (155), e59636, 2020(pdf)

Barre, J.P., Queipo-Abad, S., Sola-Larrañaga, C., Deletraz, G., Bérail, S., Tessier, E., Elustondo, D., Santamaría, J.M., De Diego, A. and Amouroux, D. (2020). Comparison of the isotopic composition of Hg and Pb in two atmospheric bioaccumulators in a Pyrenean beech forest (Iraty Forest, Western Pyrenees, France/Spain). Frontiers in Environmental Chemistry2020

Alonso-Hernández, C.M.; Fanelli, E.; Díaz-Asencio, M.; Santamaría, J.M. and Morera-Gómez, Y. (2020). Carbon and nitrogen isotopes to distinguish sources of sedimentary organic matter in a Caribbean estuaryIsotopes in Environmental and Health Studies2020

Morera-Gómez, Y., Cartas, A., Alonso-Hernández, C.M., Santamaría, J.M., Elustondo, D., Lasheras, E., Bagur, M. and Widory, D. Elucidating the sources and dynamics of PM10 aerosols in Cienfuegos (Cuba) using their multi-stable and radioactive isotope and ion compositionsAtmospheric Research 243, 105038.2020

Morera-Gómez, Y., Alonso-Hernández, C.M., Widory, D., Lasheras, E., Santamaría, J.M., Elustondo, D. (2020). Contents, distribution and sources of lanthanoid elements in rural and urban atmospheric particles in Cienfuegos (Cuba)Atmospheric Pollution Research 11, 7, 1091-98. 2020

Morera-Gómez, Y., Alonso-Hernández, C.M., Santamaría, J.M., Elustondo, D., Lasheras, E., Widory, D. (2020). Levels, spatial distribution, risk assessment and sources of environmental contamination vectored by road dust in Cienfuegos (Cuba) revealed by chemical and C and N stable isotope compositionsEnvironmental Science and Pollution Research 27, 2184-2196. 2020

Jesús Fidel González-Sánchez, José María Fernández-Alvarez, José Ignacio Alvarez-Galindo, Iñigo Navarro-Blasco. Mortero de relleno para restauración de patrimonio cultural, con base cal con adición puzolánica y diversos aditivos. En: XII Jornada de Investigación en Ciencias Experimentales y de la Salúd en la Universidad de Navarra. Libro de Resúmenes 2019; 64-88. 

Jesús Fidel González-Sánchez, Burcu Tasci, Guilermo Martínez-de-Tejada, José María Fernández-Alvarez, Iñigo Navarro-Blasco, José Ignacio Alvarez-Galindo. Lime-based rendering mortars with photocatalytic and hydrophobic agents: assessment of the water repellency and biocide effect. In "5th Historic Mortars Conference", RILEM Publications S.a.r.l., Paris, 2019, RILEM Proceedings PRO 130, p 359-372.

Jesús Fidel González-Sánchez, Iñigo Navarro-Blasco, Adrián Durán-Benito, Rafaél Sirera-Bejarano, José María Fernández- Alvarez, José Ignacio Alvarez-Galindo. Hydrophobized lime grouts prepared with microsilica and superplasticizers. In "5th Historic Mortars Conference", RILEM Publications S.a.r.l., Paris, 2019, RILEM Proceedings PRO 130, p 330-345.

Alessandro Speziale, Jesús Fidel González-Sánchez, Iñigo Navarro-Blasco, José María Fernández-Alvarez, José Ignacio Alvarez-Galindo. Active photocatalytic-superhydrophobic coating with TiO2-ZnO nano-heterostructures for lime mortars. In "5th Historic Mortars Conference", RILEM Publications S.a.r.l., Paris, 2019, RILEM Proceedings PRO 130, p 155-168.

Santiago, J.L., Buccolieri, R., Rivas, E., Calvete-Sogo, H., Sánchez, B., Martilli, A., Alonso, R., Elustondo, D., Santamaría, J.M. and Martín, F. CFD modelling of vegetation barrier effects on the reduction of traffic-related pollutant concentration in an avenue of Pamplona, Spain. Sustainable Cities and Society 2019 48.

Vedia, I.; Almeida D.; Rodeles, A; Leunda, P.M.; Baquero, E.; Galicia, D.; Oscoz, J.; Elustondo, D.; Santamaría, J.M. and Miranda, R. (2019). Behavioral Interactions and Trophic Overlap between Invasive Signal Crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus (Decapoda, Astacidae) and Native Fishes in Iberian RiversWater 2019, 11, 459.

Morera-Gómez, Y., Santamaría, J.M., Elustondo, D., Lasheras, E., Alonso-Hernández, C.M.. Determination and source apportionment of major and trace elements in atmospheric bulk deposition in a Caribbean rural areaAtmospheric Environment 2019 202,  92-104.

Gomez-Moreno, FJ; Artiñano, B; Díaz, E; Barreiro, M; Nuñez, L; Coz, E; Dimitroulopoulou, S; Vardoulakis, S; Yagüe, C; Maqueda, G; Sastre, M; Román-Cascón, C; Santamaría, JM; and Borge, R . Urban vegetation and particle air pollution: Experimental campaigns in a traffic hotspotEnvironmental Pollution 2019 247, 195-205.

A Lozano-Lunar, PR da Silva, J De Brito, JI Alvarez, JM Fernández, JR Jiménez. Performance and durability properties of self-compacting mortars with electric arc furnace dust as filler. Journal of Cleaner Production 2019  219, 818-832

Rivas, E.; Santiago, J.L.; Lechón, Y.; Martín, F.; Ariño Plana, A.; Pons, J.J.; Santamaría, J.M.; CFD modelling of air quality in Pamplona city (Spain): assessment, stations spatial representativeness and health impacts valuationScience of The Total Environment 2019. 649, 1362-1380

Peñas, F.J.; Sevillano, X.; Peñas. M.I. Modeling of organic shock loading in a fluidized-bed bioreactor containing sorbent particlesBiochem. Eng. J. 2019, 151, 107308

Carbajo-Gordillo AI , Rodríguez-Lavado J , Jiménez Blanco JL , Benito JM , Di Giorgio C , Vélaz I , Tros de Ilarduya C , Ortiz Mellet C , García Fernández JM .Trehalose-based Siamese twin amphiphiles with tunable self-assembling, DNA nanocomplexing and gene delivery properties.Chem. Commun., 2019, 55, 8227.

Fujiyoshi, T.; Carrez, O.; Imizcoz, M.; Zornoza, A.; Isasi, J.R. Interpenetrated polymer networks of poly(β-cyclodextrin) and polyvinylpyrrolidone with synergistic and selective sorption capacitiesCarbohydrate Polymers 2019, 219, 105.

Benigno, E.; Lorente, M.A.; Olmos, D.; González-Gaitano, G.; González-Benito, J. Nanocomposites based on low density polyethylene filled with carbon nanotubes prepared by high energy ball milling and their potential antibacterial activityPolym. Int. 2019, 68, 1155.

Peñas, F.J.; Romo, A.; Isasi, J.R.; San José, M.J.; Álvarez, S. Kinetic modeling of sorption–desorption cycles for phenol removal with a cyclodextrin polymer. J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 2019, 75, 93.

González-Benito, J.;  Olmos, D.; Martínez-Tarifa, J.M.; González-Gaitano, G.; Sánchez, F.A. PVDF/BaTiO3/carbon nanotubes ternary nanocomposites prepared by ball milling: Piezo and dielectric responses. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2019, 136, 47788.

Zornoza, A.; Moreno, L.; Puig-Rigall, J.; Porcar, L.; González-Gaitano, G. Micellar solubilisation of methylparaben in poloxamines: Effects on the aggregation behaviour and reactivityJ. Mol. Liquids 2019, 282, 205.

Puig-Rigall, J.; Serra-Gómez, R.; Stead, I.; Grillo, I.; Dreiss, C.A.; González-Gaitano, G. Pseudo-Polyrotaxanes of Cyclodextrins with Direct and Reverse X-Shaped Block Copolymers: A Kinetic and Structural StudyMacromolecules 2019, 52, 1458.

De Diego-Díaz, B.; Duran, A.; Álvarez-García, M.R., Fernández-Rodríguez, J. “New trends in physicochemical characterization of solid lignocellulosic waste in anaerobic digestion”. Fuel 2019, 245, 240.

González-Benito, J.; Dania Olmos, D.; Teno, J.; González-Gaitano, G. Nanomorphology and nanomechanical characteristics of solution-blow spun PVDF-based fibers filled with carbon nanotubes. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2019, 136, 47115.

A. Duran, R. Perez-Maqueda, J.L. Perez-Rodriguez, Degradation processes of historical metal threads used in Spanish and Portuguese ornamentation. Journal of Cultural Heritage 36: 135-142 (2019)

M.L. Franquelo, A. Duran, J.L. Perez-Rodriguez. Laboratory multi-technique study of Spanish decorated leather from the 12th to 14th centuries. Spectrochimica Acta A 218: 331-341 (2019)

Segura-González, E.A.;  Olmos, D.; .Lorente, M.A.; Vélaz, I.; González-Benito, J. Preparation and Characterization of Polymer Composite Materials Based on PLA/TiO2 for Antibacterial packagingPolymers 2018. 10, 1365.

González-Benito, J.; Dania Olmos, D.; Teno, J.; González-Gaitano, G. Nanomorphology and nanomechanical characteristics of solution-blow spun PVDF-based fibers filled with carbon nanotubes. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2018

López-Aizpún, M.; Arango-Mora, C.; Santamaría C.; Lasheras, E.; Santamaría, J.M.; Ciganda, V.; Cárdenas, L.; Elustondo, D. Atmospheric ammonia concentration modulates soil enzyme and microbial activity in an oak forest affecting soil microbial biomass. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 2018, 116. 378-387.

Serres-Gómez, M.; González-Gaitano, G.; Kaldybekov, D.B.; Mansfield, E.D.H.; Khutoryanskiy, V.V.; Isasi, J.R.; Dreiss, C.A. Supramolecular Hybrid Structures and Gels from Host–Guest Interactions between α-Cyclodextrin and PEGylated Organosilica NanoparticlesLangmuir 2018, 34 (36), 10591–10602.

Monreal-Pérez, P.; Isasi, J.R.; González-Benito, J.; Olmos, D.; González-Gaitano, G. Cyclodextrin-Grafted TiO2 Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Complexation Capacity, and Dispersion in Polymeric MatricesNanomaterials 2018, 8, 642.

J.L. Perez-Drodríguez, A. Albardonedo, M.D. Robador, A. Durán. Spanish and Portuguese gilding threads: characterization using microscoping techniques. Microscopy and Microanalysis 24 (5): 574-590 (2018)

J.L. Perez-Drodríguez, R. Perez-Maqueda, M.L. Franquelo, A. Duran. Study of the thermal decomposition of historical metal threads. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 134: 15-22 (2018).

J.L. Perez-Drodríguez, M.D. Robador, A. Albardonedo, A. Duran. Gildings from Andalusia: materials used in different types of artworks along centuries. Journal of Cultural Heritage 31: 112-121 (2018) 

Duran, A; González-Sánchez, J.F.; Fernández, J.M.; Sirera, R.; Navarro-Blasco, I; Alvarez, J.I. Influence of Two Polymer-Based Superplasticizers (Poly-naphthalene Sulfonate, PNS, and Lignosulfonate, LS) on Compressive and Flexural Strength, Freeze-Thaw, and Sulphate Attack Resistance of Lime-Metakaolin GroutsPolymers2018, 10, 824.

Rochín-Wong, S.; Rosas-Durazo, A.; Zavala-Rivera, P.; Maldonado, A.; Martínez-Barbosa, M.E., Vélaz, I.; Tánori, J. Drug Release Properties of Diflunisal from Layer-By-Layer Self-Assembled k-Carrageenan/Chitosan Nanocapsules: Effect of Deposited LayersPolymers2018, 10, 760.

Úriz, A.; Sanmartín, C.; Plano, D.; de Melo Barbosa, R.; Dreiss, C.A. González-Gaitano. Activity enhancement of selective antitumoral selenodiazoles formulated with poloxamine micellesColloids Surf. B Biointerfaces 2018,170, 463-469.

Lucio, D.; Martínez- Ohárriz, M.C: ;Gu, Z.; He, Y.; Aranaz, P.; Vizmanos, J.L.; Irache, J.M. Cyclodextrin-grafted poly(anhydride) nanoparticles for oral glibenclamide administration. In vivo evaluation using C. elegansInt. J. Pharm. 2018, 547, 97-105.

Gayoso, L.N.; Ibiapina Moreno, A.; Solas, M.; Martínez- Ohárriz, M.C.; Muñoz, E.; Santo-Magalhães, N.S.; Ramirez, M.J.; Irache, J.M. Pegylated nanoparticles for the oral delivery of nimodipine: Pharmacokinetics and effect on the anxiety and cognition in miceInt. J. Pharm. 2018, 543, 245-256.

de Redín, I.L.; Boiero, C.; Martínez- Ohárriz, M.C.; Agüeros, M.; Ramos, R.; Peñuelas, I.; Allemandi, D.; Llabot, J.M.; Irache, J.M. Human serum albumin nanoparticles for ocular delivery of bevacizumabInt. J. Pharm. 2018, 541, 214-223.

De Diego-Díaz, B.; Alejandro, J.M., Peñas, F.J., Fernández-Rodríguez. Impact of supplementary nutrients on codigestion of agricultural waste: study of temperaturesFood Bioprod. Process. 2018, 110, 120-125.

Treu, L.; Kougias, P.; de Diego Díaz, B.; Campanaro, S.; Bassani, I.; Fernández-Rodríguez, J.; Angelidaki, I. Two-year microbial adaptation during hydrogen-mediated biogas upgrading process in a serial reactor configurationBioresour Technol. 2018, 264, 140–147.

Puig-Rigall, J.; Obregon-Gomez, I.; Monreal-Pérez, P.; Radulescu, A.; Blanco-Prieto, M.J.; Dreiss, C.A.; González-Gaitano, G. Phase behaviour, micellar structure and linear rheology of tetrablock copolymer Tetronic 908J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2018, 524, 42-51.

Lucio, D.; Martínez-Ohárriz, M.C.; González-Navarro, C.J.; Navarro-Herrera, D.; González-Gaitano, G.; Radulescu, A.; Irache, J.M. Coencapsulation of cyclodextrins into poly(anhydride) nanoparticles to improve the oral administration of glibenclamide. A screening on C. elegansColloids Surf. B Biointerfaces 2018,163, 64-72.

Iorio, M.; Teno, J.; Nicolás, M.; García-González, R.; Peláez, V.H.; González-Gaitano, G.; González-Benito, J. Conformational changes on PMMA induced by the presence of TiO2 nanoparticles and the processing by Solution Blow SpinningColloid Polym. Sci. 2018, 296, 461-469.

Olmos, D., Pontes-Quero, G.M., Corral, A., González-Gaitano, G., González-Benito, J. Preparation and characterization of antimicrobial films based on LDPE/Ag nanoparticles with potential uses in food and health industriesNanomaterials 2018, 8, 60.

Iorio, M.; Santarelli, M.L.; González Gaitano, G.; González Benito, J. Surface modification and characterization of basalt fibers as potential reinforcement of concretesAppl. Surf. Sci. 2018, 427, 1248-1256.

Gallego-Yerga, L.; Benito, J.M.; Blanco-Fernández, L.; Martínez-Negro, M.; Vélaz, I.; Aicart, E.; Junquera, E.; Ortiz Mellet, C.; Tros de Ilarduya, C.; García Fernández, J.M. Plasmid-Templated Control of DNA–Cyclodextrin Nanoparticle Morphology through Molecular Vector Design for Effective Gene DeliveryChem. Eur. J. 2018, 24, 3825-3835.

Figueroa-Pizano, M.D.; Vélaz, I.; Peñas, F.J.; Zavala-Rivera, P.; Rosas-Durazo, A.J.; Maldonado-Arce, A.D.; Martínez-Barbosa, M.E. Effect of freeze-thawing conditions for preparation of chitosan-poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogels and drug release studiesCarbohyd. Polym2018, 195, 476-485.

De Diego, B.; Fernández, J.; Vitas, A.I.; Peñas, F.J. Biomethanization of solid wastes from the alcoholic beverage industry: Malt and sloe. Kinetic and microbiological analysisChem. Eng. J. 2018, 334, 650-656.

Fuentes, M.; Baigorri, R.; González-Gaitano, G.; García-Mina, J.M. New methodology to assess the quantity and quality of humic substances in organic materials and commercial products for agricultureJ. Soils Sediments 2018, 18, 1389-1399.

Pérez Nicolás, M.; Plank, J.; Ruiz-Izuriaga, D.; Navarro Blasco, I.; Fernández Álvarez, J.M.; Álvarez Galindo, J.I. Photocatalytically active coatings for cement and air lime mortars: Enhancement of the activity by incorporation of superplasticizersConstr. Build. Mat. 2018, 162, 628-648.

AR Esquinas, JI Álvarez, JR Jiménez, JM Fernández. Durability of self-compacting concrete made from non-conforming fly ash from coal-fired power plants. Construction and Building Materials. 2018, 189, 993-1006

AR Santos, M do Rosário Veiga, AS Silva, J de Brito, JI Álvarez. Evolution of the microstructure of lime based mortars and influence on the mechanical behaviour: the role of the aggregates. Construction and Building materials.2018  187, 907-922

AR Esquinas, JI Álvarez, JR Jiménez, JM Fernández, J De Brito. Durability of self-compacting concrete made with recovery filler from hot-mix asphalt plantsConstruction and Building Materials. 2018, 161, 407-419

Izquieta Rojano, S.; López Aizpún, M.; Santamaría Ulecia, J.M.; Santamaría Elola, C.; Lasheras Adot, E.; Ochoa Hueso, R.; Elustondo Valencia, D. Eco-physiological response of Hypnum cupressiforme Hedw. to increased  atmospheric ammonia concentrations in a forest agrosystemSci. Total Environ. 2018, 619-620, 883-895.

García-Gómez, H.; Izquieta-Rojano, S.; Aguillaume, L.; González-Fernández, I.; Valiño, F.; Elustondo, D.; Santamaría, J.M.; Àvila, A.; Bytnerowicz, A. and Alonso, R. (2018). Joining empirical and modelling approaches to estimate dry deposition of nitrogen in Mediterranean forestsEnvironmental Pollution2018, 243, 427-436.

Morera-Gómez, Y., Elustondo, D., Lasheras, E., Alonso-Hernández, C.M., Santamaría, J.M. (2018). Chemical characterization of PM10 samples collected simultaneously at a rural and an urban site in the Caribbean coast: Local and long-range source apportionmentAtmospheric Environment2018, 192, 182-192.

Morera-Gómez, Y; Santamaría, JM; Elustondo, D; Alonso-Hernández, CM, and Widory, D. (2018). Carbon and nitrogen isotopes unravels sources of aerosol contamination at Caribbean rural and urban coastal sitesScience of the Total Environment 2018, 642, 723-732.

López-Aizpún, M.; Izquieta-Rojano, S.; Lasheras, E.; Santamaría, J.M.; Ibáñez, R.; de Miguel, A.M.; Llop, E. and Santamaría, C. (2018). Impact of nitrogen emissions from livestock farms on the deposition of inorganic and organic nitrogen and in the change in plant composition of an adjacent oak forest in Southern Europe. Environmental Pollution. Aceptada.

Barre, J.; Amouroux, D.; Santamaría, J.M.; Deletraz, G.; Bérail, S.; Sola-Larrañaga, C. and Donard, O. (2018). Multi-element isotopic signature (N, Pb, Hg) in epiphytic lichens to discriminate atmospheric contamination as a function of land-use characteristics (Pyrénées-Atlantiques, SW France)Environmental Pollution2018

Izquieta-Rojano, S.; López-Aizpún, M.; Irigoyen, J.J.; Santamaría, J.M.;Santamaría, C. Lasheras, E.; Ochoa-Hueso, R. and Elustondo, D.(2018). Eco-physiological response of Hypnum cupressiforme Hedw. to increased atmospheric ammonia concentrations in a forest agrosystemScience of the Total Environment2018, 619-620, 883-895.

Pérez-Nicolás, M.; Navarro-Blasco, I.; Fernández Álvarez, J.M.; Álvarez Galindo, J.I. "The Effect of TiO2 Doped Photocatalytic Nano-Additives on the Hydration and Microstructure of Portland and High Alumina Cements". Nanomaterials, 2017, 7, 329.

Lucio, D.; Martínez-Ohárriz, M.C.  "Chitosan: Strategies to Increase and Modulate Drug Release Rate". Biological Activities and Application of Marine Polysaccharides, 2017. Book edited by Emad A. Shalaby, ISBN 978-953-51-2860-1

García-Padial, M.; Martínez-Ohárriz, M.C.; Isasi, J.R.; Zornoza, A. "Sorption and Release of Natural Phenolic Antioxidants in Different Cyclodextrin Polymers". J. Agric. Food Chem. 2017, 65, 4905–4910.

Teno, J.; González-Gaitano, G.; González-Benito, J. "Poly (ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) films prepared by solution blow spinning: Surface characterization and its relation with E. coli adhesion". Polymer Testing. 2017, 60, 140-148.

Puig-Rigall, J.; Grillo, I.; Dreiss, C.A.; González-Gaitano, G. "Structural and Spectroscopic Characterization of TPGS Micelles: Disruptive Role of Cyclodextrins and Kinetic Pathways". Langmuir. 2017, 33, 4737-4747.

González-Gaitano, G.; Isasi, J.R.; Vélaz, I.; Zornoza, A. "Drug Carrier Systems Based On Cyclodextrin Supramolecular Assemblies And Polymers: Present And Perspectives". Curr. Pharm. Des. 2017, 23, 411-432.

Lucio D.; Irache J.M.; Font M.; Martínez-Ohárriz M.C. "Nanoaggregation of inclusion complexes of glibenclamide with cyclodextrins".  Int. J. Pharm, 2017, 519, 263-271.

González-Benito, J.; Teno, J.; González-Gaitano, G.; Xu, S.; Chiang, M.Y. "PVDF/TiO2 nanocomposites prepared by solution blow spinning: Surface properties and their relation with S. Mutans adhesion". Polymer Testing. 2017, 58, 21-30.

Aguillaume, L.; Izquieta-Rojano, S.; García-Gómez, H.; Elustondo, D.; Santamaría, J.M.; Alonso R. and Ávila, A.”Dry deposition and canopy uptake in Mediterranean holm-oak forests estimated with a canopy budget model: a focus on N estimations. Atmospheric Environment 2017, 152, 191-200

Pérez Nicolás, María; Navarro Blasco, Íñigo; Fernández Álvarez, José María; et al. "Atmospheric NOx removal: Study of cement mortars with iron- and vanadium-doped TiO2 as visible light–sensitive photocatalysts". Construction and building materials. 2017, 149, 257-271.

Peñas Esteban, F.J.; Safont Resardi, B. "Characterization and modeling of oxygen transfer in a spouted-bed reactor with auxiliary aeration". Chemical Engineering and Technology 2017, 1, 64-70.

V. Alcolea, P. Garnica, J.A. Palop, C. Sanmartín, E. González-Peñas, A. Durán, E. Lizarraga. Antitumoral sulphur and selenium heteroaryl compounds: thermal characterization and stability evaluation . Molecules 22 (8): 1314 (2017)

Valero, M.; Castiglione, F.; Mele, A.; Da Silva, M.A.; Grillo, I.; Dreiss, C.A.; González-Gaitano, G. "Competitive and Synergistic Interactions between Polymer Micelles, Drugs, and Cyclodextrins: The Importance of Drug Solubilization Locus". Langmuir, 2016, 32, 13174-13186.

Fuentes, M.; Baigorri, R.; González-Gaitano, G.; García-Mina, J.M. "New methodology to assess the quantity and quality of humic substances in organic materials and commercial products for agriculture". 2016, J. Soils and Sediments, 4,1-11.

Machín, R.; Vélaz, I.; Isasi, J.R. "Sorption of phenols by single and mixed cyclodextrin polymers". J. Incl. Phenom. Macro. 2016, 86, 283-289.

Serra-Gómez, R.; Dreiss, C.A.; González-Benito, J.; González-Gaitano, G. "Structure and Rheology of Poloxamine T1107 and Its Nanocomposite Hydrogels with Cyclodextrin-Modified Barium Titanate Nanoparticles". Langmuir, 2016, 32(25), 6398–6408.

Serra-Gómez, R.; Martínez-Tarifa, J.M.; González-Benito, J.; González-Gaitano, G. "Cyclodextrin-grafted barium titanate nanoparticles for improved dispersion and stabilization in water-based systems". Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2016, 18(1), 1-16.

A. Duran, R. Sirera, M. Pérez-Nicolás, I. Navarro-Blasco, J.M. Fernández, J.I. Alvarez. "Study of the early hydration of calcium aluminates in the presence of different metallic salts". Cement and Concrete Research, 2016, 81, 1-15.

M. Pérez-Nicolás, A. Duran, I. Navarro-Blasco, J.M. Fernández, R. Sirera, J.I. Alvarez. " Study on the effectiveness of PNS and LS superplasticizers in air lime-based mortars". Cement and Concrete Research, 2016, 82, 11-22

Zalba, S.; Contreras, M.; Merino, M.; Navarro-Blasco, I.; Tros de Ilarduya, C.; Koning, G.; Garrido, M.J."EGF-liposomes promote efficient EGFR targeting in xenograft colocarcinoma model". Nanomedicine, 2016, 11 (5), 466-477.                 

O. Murillo; D. Moreno Luqui; C. Gazquez; D. Martinez-Espartosa; I. Navarro-Blasco; J.I. Monreal; L. Guembe; F.J. Corrales; A. Moreno; J. Prieto; R. Hernandez-Alcoceba; G. Gonzalez-Aseguinolaza. "Long-term metabolic correction of Wilson’s disease in a murine model by gene therapy".  Journal of Hepatology,  2016, 64,  419-426  .                            

Garofano, I.;  Perez-Rodriguez, J.L.; Robador, M.D.; Duran, A. "An innovative combined application of non-invasive UV-Visible-FORS, XRD and XRF techniques for the study of Roman wall paintings from Seville (Spain)". Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2016, 22,  028-1039         

Cavalheiro, J.;  Sola, C.; , Baldanza, J.;  Tessier, E.; Lestremau, F.; Botta, F.; Preud'homme, H.; , Monperrus, M.:  Amouroux, D. "Assessment of background concentrations of organometallic compounds (methylmercury, ethyllead and butyl- and phenyltin) in French aquatic environments" . Water Research, 2016, 94, 32- 41.

Izquieta-Rojano, S.; Elustondo, D.; Ederra. A.; Lasheras, E.; Santamaría, C. and Santamaría, J.M. "Pleurochaete squarrosa (Brid.) Lindb. as an alternative moss species for biomonitoring surveys of heavy metal, nitrogen deposition and 15N signatures in a Mediterranean area". Ecological Indicators, 2016, 60, 1221- 1228.         

García-Gómez, H.; Aguillaume, L.; Izquieta-Rojano, S.; Valiño, F.; Ávila, A.; Elustondo, D.; Santamaría, J.M.; Alastuey, A.; Calvete-Sogo, H.; González-Fernández, I. and Alonso, R. "Atmospheric pollutants in peri-urban forests of Quercus ilex: evidence of pollution abatement and threats for vegetation". Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016, 23, 6400-6413

Izquieta-Rojano, S.; García-Gómez, H.; Aguillaume, L.;  Santamaría, J.M.; Tang Y.S.; Santamaría, C.; Valiño, F.; Lasheras, E.; Alonso R.; Ávila, A.; Cape, J.N. and Elustondo, D. "Throughfall and bulk deposition of dissolved organic nitrogen to holm oak forests in the Iberian Peninsula: Flux estimation and identification of potential sources"  Environmental Pollution, 2016, 210, 104 -112          

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