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Aplicaciones anidadas


La Facultad de Enfermería también oferta a los alumnos internacionales una experiencia en el campus de Pamplona. Por ello, pone a disposición de los alumnos incomings una oferta de programas en español e inglés, con los que vivir la enfermería en España.

Aplicaciones anidadas


Intercambio semestral

Aplicaciones anidadas


Gracias a los convenios que la Facultad tiene con otras instituciones académicas internacionales, los estudiantes que lo deseen pueden venir a estudiar a Pamplona en los siguientes períodos de tiempo:
→ Primer Semestre: Septiembre-Diciembre
→ Segundo Semestre: Enero-Mayo


· Asignaturas: visita nuestro plan de estudios

This course is open to all undergraduates of partners’ universities who would like to spend a semester at the Faculty of Nursing of the University of Navarra and to immerse themselves in the Spanish culture.

The International student can choose between undergraduate curriculum taught in Spanish and the following subjects taught in English:

What is a ECTS?:
1 ECTS is equivalent to 25-30 hours of student work (including lectures, seminars and exams).
More information

Additionally, International Students may apply to attend any of the more than 180 subjects of different disciplines that the University of Navarra offers in English (Economics, Law, Communication, Humanities, Pharmacy, Sciences, Medicine, Architecture and Engineering). The admission will depend on the places available for each course and/or knowledge level requirement.

Duration: 4-5 months


· 1st Semester: From 1 September to 20 December

· 2nd Semester: From 8 January to 16 May

Spanish Requirements: “DELE Intermedio” (according to “Instituto Cervantes”) it is equivalent to Level B2 (according to Common European Framework of Reference).

Institute of Spanish Language and Culture
During externship at the University of Navarra, students could improve their level of Spanish at the Institute of Spanish Language and Culture of the University of Navarra (ILCE). ILCE is a delegated center of the Cervantes Institute, which offers linguistic courses in Spanish. There are ordinary courses, summer courses and tailor-made courses.

Please, consult fees, dates and types of courses on their web.

Aplicaciones anidadas


Clinical Practice

Aplicaciones anidadas


Este curso está abierto a los alumnos de grado de universidades socias. La asignación de área será previamente acordada entre ambas instituciones. Para poder aprovechar al máximo esta experiencia, se recomienda que los alumnos que deseen participar, hayan terminado el 2º año del grado de enfermería.


Durante cuatro semanas entre mayo y agosto.

Antes del 15 de octubre rellenar el “Formulario de solicitud / Application Form” y adjuntar la documentación solicitada. Es requisito necesario tener o acreditar un nivel B2 de español

El día de inicio de prácticas recibirá dos uniformes, así como la placa de identificación. El alumno es responsable del calzado que debe ser de color blanco, cerrado y antideslizante.

Aplicaciones anidadas


Nursing Summer School


An opportunity for international nursing students to participate in a one-week program of annual nursing summer schools. The chance to learn about and critically analyze health care systems and the current challenges for nursing profession, in an intercultural context. The NSS provides a thorough historical, sociopolitical, and cultural perspective on health and health care services in Spain.

The experience of working alongside nursing students from different countries and contexts.

The academic program focuses on offering the students a global and international vision of the challenges that present-day professional nurses face, specifically in Spain and at the University of Navarra. The salutogenic perspective in mental health; nurses in the media; promoting a healthy university; advance practice nursing; person-centred care; will be presented on the course. Likewise, students will have a simulated clinical experience.
