Detalle Profesor

Our researchers

María del Carmen Antolín Bellver

Academic Center(s)
Biología Ambiental
Facultad de Ciencias Universidad de Navarra
Research lines
Fisiología Vegetal
36, (WoS, 13/02/2023)

She is a PhD in Biological Sciences since 1991 and a Professor of Plant Physiology since 1992. She has positive accreditation from ANECA (National Agency for Assessment and Accreditation, Spain) as Associate Professor since 2003 and as Assistant Professor since 2008. She is a researcher member of the Associated Unit of the CSIC (Superior Council for Scientific Research of Spain) formed among the Department of Plant Biology (Plant Biology Section) from the University of Navarra, the Experimental Station of Aula Dei (Zaragoza) and the Institute of Sciences of the Vine and Wine (ICVV) (Logroño) from the start (2006 and 2008 respectively ). She is the author of 54 articles in scientific journals indexed with an index of relative quality (76% Q1) and 10 book chapters. She has participated in 75 conferences both nationally and internationally as well as 24research projects. She has also directed 10 Doctoral Theses and other research. She currently participates in 2 projects funded research by national organizations. She is a reviewer for 30 international scientific journals. The research lines in which she is specialized are Grapevine physiology, plant responses to abiotic and biotic stresses, organic waste management and agricultural application of sewage sludge. In addition, it is reviewing several articles in international journals and has 4 six-year research recognized by CNEAI (National Evaluation Commission of Research Activity, Spain).