Case Competition Club


International Competitions

International Competitions

The university is invited to different international case competitions throughout the yearThe best members of the club are chosen to be part of the UNAV team representing the university.  International case competition are exclusive for students who have completed the ICCT or BCA.


Two online trials are held throughout the year to choose the students for the UNAV team. The Summer Trial is done during June - July to select the students for the international case competitions in the first semester. Then, the Autumn trial is held in october to chose students for the international case competitions in the second semester.

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International Competitions desplegable case competition

University organized Competitions:

  • Hong Kong International Case Competition

Corpora​te organized Competitions:

University organized Competitions: 

  • Thailand Case Competition

Corporate organized Competitions: 

ECO_enlaces de interes



Campus universitario s/n

31009 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 425 600