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GBIF position paper on future directions and recommendations for enhancing fitness-for-use across the GBIF Network, version 1.0

Authors: Hill, A. W.; Otegui Tellechea, Javier; Ariño Plana, Arturo; Guralnick, R. P.
Place: Copenhagen
Publisher: Global Biodiversity Information Facility
Year published: 2010
ISBN: 87-92020-11-9
Pages: 25
Abstract: Fitness-for-use refers to a scale of data quality that changes with the varying data accuracy, precision and intended use. In the context of geospatial data, we can split fitness-for-use into two broad categories: 1. Are the geospatial data correct? 2. Are the geospatial data usable at the geographic scale of the question? The key discussion point in this white paper is what can be done prior to user access of data to enhance and better report the data¿s fitness-for-use.