Detalle Publicación


Citizenship and the pursuit of the worthy life

Lugar de Edición: New York
Editorial: Cambridge University Press
Fecha de publicación: 2014
ISBN: 978-1-107-0689-3
Número de páginas: 216
Resumen: This book articulates and defends what I call an integrationist ideal of citizenship, meaning an ideal of citizenship firmly grounded in the value of ethical integrity, i.e. the wholehearted pursuit of a worthy life. Typically, political philosophers ground citizenship in the values of justice and social order, but have little to say about the potential contribution of citizenship to an honorable or worthy human life. Some, such as Niebuhr and Rawls, are even hostile to any attempt to establish deep continuity between the ethical and political standpoints. But without a more articulate sense of the place of citizenship in a worthy life, we cannot expect to bring the responsibilities of citizenship into equilibrium with the responsibilities of our other roles and relationships. Furthermore, unless citizens grasp the ethical value of their civic roles, their commitment to constitutional democracy is likely to waver in hard times. Thus, developing an integrationist ideal of citizenship is not only relevant to the ethicist, but to political philosophers who care about the future of constitutional democracy.