Detalle Publicación

Signos de Vida en la Figura de la Síndone de Turín

Título de la revista: SCIENTIA ET FIDES
ISSN: 2300-7648
Volumen: 8
Número: 1
Páginas: 9 - 31
Fecha de publicación: 2020
In this article it is exposed several signs present in the Shroud of Turin. Following the development of rigor mortis the image position impressed in the Shroud is analyzed. Furthermore, the presence of specific facial folds indicates that the person is alive. Then, the Shroud of Turin shows death signs together with live signs and the image was impressed when he was alive. If it is a case of fraud, it should be considered as an artwork performed by a genious with medical, forensic and image processing from at least the XX century. If we follow the Gospels there is a perfect simmetry between tha data showed in the image and those described in the Gospels, during the death as well as the resurrection.