Detalle Publicación

Disección ganglionar en el paciente con melanoma y metástasis en el ganglio centinela: propuesta de decisión basada en la evidencia actual

Autores: Moreno-Ramirez, D. (Autor de correspondencia); Boada, A. ; Ferrandiz, L. ; Samaniego, E. ; Carretero, G. ; Nagore, E.; Redondo Bellón, Pedro; Ortiz-Romero, P. ; Malvehy, J. ; Botella-Estrada, R.
ISSN: 0001-7310
Volumen: 109
Número: 5
Páginas: 390 - 398
Fecha de publicación: 2018
Recent publication of the results of clinical trials in which lymph node dissection was not associated with any survival benefit in patients with sentinel node metastasis makes it necessary to reconsider the treatment of patients with melanoma. This article provides an update on the available evidence on the diverse factors (routes of metastatic spread, predictors, adjuvant therapy, etc.) that must be considered when treating patients with sentinel node-positive melanoma. The authors propose a decision-making algorithm for use in this clinical setting. The current evidence no longer supports lymph node dissection in patients with Low-risk sentinel node metastasis (sentinel node tumor load <= 1 mm). (C) 2018 AEDV. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L.U. All rights reserved.