Communications in Financial Markets: a Strategy method Experiment
WPnull/07 Communications in Financial Markets: a Strategy method Experiment
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Abstract The main objective of this paper is to analyze the impact of uninformative communications on asset prices. An experimental approach allows us to control for the release of a priori uninformative messages. We introduce the release of messages in standard experimental asset markets with bubbles using a strategy method experiment. We conjecture that messages that are a priori uninformative can significantly impact the level of asset prices. Such communications may be used by boundedly rational subjects to compute the fundamental value of the asset. In addition, rational agents may anticipate such an effect and adapt their strategy to the messages received. We asked 182 subjects to construct strategies about their action in a standard experimental asset market environment. Our analysis sheds light on the possibility of manipulation and stabilization of financial markets by influential agents such as financial gurus or central bankers.
Classification JEL:C92, G12
Keywords:asset markets, bubbles, market communications,traders bounded rationality, strategy method experime
Number of Pages:58
Creation Date:2007-08-01