The Persistence of Earnings per Share
WPnull/08 The Persistence of Earnings per Share
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- Luis A. Gil-Alana (
Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Universidad de Navarra
- Rolando Pelaez (
University of Houston-Downtown, Houston, USA
Abstract This paper employs various empirical tests in order to measure the persistence of shocks to EPS for the S&P 500 index. Within the I(0)/I(1) paradigm the empirical evidence rejects the I(1) specification, supporting instead a trend-stationary representation. When fractional orders of integration are considered, the results indicate that the series is long memory (d > 0) and mean reverting (d < 1). The responses decay slowly to zero, albeit 50 quarters after an initial shock the responses remain significantly different from zero. Likewise, the variance ratio evidence suggests that the effect of a shock persists over time spans characteristic of the business cycle.
Classification JEL:27
Number of Pages:27
Creation Date:2008-11-20