Detalle Publicación

Does post-humanism still need ethics? the normativity of an open nature

Título de la revista: CUADERNOS DE BIOETICA
ISSN: 1132-1989
Volumen: 25
Número: 85
Páginas: 469 - 480
Fecha de publicación: 2014
In the current era, post-humanism usually adopts two forms. One of these is related to postmodern thought and its critique of Enlightenment ideals, while the other, which is usually referred to as `transhumanism¿, declares itself the heir to optimistic belief in the technological progress of modernity. Nevertheless, both seem like new versions of the struggle between an individualist version of liberalism and its critics. In so far as they are ethical proposals, we may hold them to account for the vagueness of their moral objectives, which only seem to advocate ¿each in its own way¿ emancipation and the removal of barriers that may impede an increase in power. This defect is not, though, independent of their rejection of the notion of nature. By contrast, classical ethics does not focus so much on power or emancipation as on the nature of human telos and of his true growth, and it is only from this standpoint that it concerns itself with the means by which this can be achieved